
The point in here that “it’s so cool to be trans that kids are just faking it” is bs is so, SO important. My 7 yr old was being so relentlessly bullied after kids caught sight of his enby SIBLING that we had to get admin involved. They had to move the kids off the bus to make it stop - in *Seattle*
I genuinely don’t know how the narrative of trans = social cache got started but it is so wildly antithetical to real life that it would be funny if it wasn’t deeply upsetting and being used as a basis to deny an entire group of people rights.
It's part of the whole "social contagion" myth. Their kid didn't have friends, then came out as trans/nonbinary, now they have friends. Clearly the only explanation is "it must be a trend that makes you popular." Total failure of imagination in service of their prejudices.