
I have always imagined Michael randomly repeating select words people say during conversation IRL. After this episode, I now imagine him standing near people making small talk and occasionally just saying "pornography".
Thank you for reading this monstrosity so I don’t have to! It feels shockingly good to hear cis folks not only expressing unapologetic support for trans people but also doing the *work* of unpacking the bullshit point by point. ❤️
(…I was going to say “full throated support” but even with like 2/3 of a throat this is fully doing active allyship, so.)
Great ep, could've had a few more tangents.
I'm a subscriber, but thank you for this. Listening you two shout about how insane everything trans-related has been, and just taking the Cass report to the absolute woodshed, was just the thing today. Thank you.
All the tangents made me smile, not gonna lie
How is it that you know how to say “Pho” but not “prêt à manger”?
I am now thoroughly distracted because we need real answers! What is the state of the beard? What kind of beard are we talking about here? Goatee? Full Beard? Is Michael entering his lumberjack phase?
Steve from Minecraft has never looked so hunky
Anyone else hearing Michael's voice coming from this person? Like a reverse Dr. Girlfriend
Thanks. It was a nice treat on this gloomy day.
Oh also: I was listening to this while vacuuming, and something made a slightly alarming clatter clatter in the vacuum right before Aubrey made a little AAAAH! sound — the timing was hilarious perfection and weirdly made my day.
Michael I just want you to know that your ibuprofen tangent catapulted me back in time to a childhood incident in which I nosebled straight into a bowl of instant ramen that I was about to eat. welcome to my world (nosebleed planet)