
If moderators are not allowed to point out obvious blatant lies, there’s pretty much no point to have debates if Donald is involved
folks gonna miss this from just the headline, but someone should point it out: the lack of live fact-checking by the moderators *was part of the agreement* by the campaigns. It's not just that CNN /didn't/ live fact check it. It's that they /weren't allowed to/.
In debates of yesteryear, it was expected that candidates would largely stick to truth, even if they often didn’t. That is not true in any way shape or form anymore.
At the very very least, moderators should be able to clearly state when a candidate has refused to answer a direct question.
Maybe little counters at the bottom of the screen for "lies" and "evasions"
This again points to someone in Biden’s camp needing to be fired — they should not have agreed to that