
So… the documents are legit, it appears. And I have no reason, based on what I’ve seen, to think that they’re false.
And why would we think they’re false? Trump admitted, on air, to walking into locker rooms where teen beauty contestants were changing. If he think that’s acceptable to boast about, imagine what he does when he thinks nobody is looking.
Dude referred to his underage daughter as fuckable if he wasn't otherwise engaged in matrimony at the time. Turns out his commitment couldn't deal with at least Stormy Daniels
It's true, I downloaded the court dox last night. It's been all over xitter, and threads too. DeSantis had it slated for release on July 1 this year. Probably thought he'd still be in the running.
the linked article gives some pretty good reason to doubt it. we know he is an abuser and a rapist; that doesn’t make every accusation true.
I wouldn’t be surprised if trump had this released. It’s just more rehashing the same old thing. He seems to need more headlines.
just fyi trump is already a convicted rapist
The article sounds like crap but hope it’s true