Dr. Word Person

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Dr. Word Person


Linguist of various dead languages (Ancient Greek, Hittite, Sanskrit, Latin...) Besides that, I enjoy lutes, plants, and rocks.
I have recently been introduced to the German concept of Spaghettieis-- vanilla ice cream run through a press to look like spaghetti, then topped with strawberry sauce. This was DELICIOUS. Time to up your game, America!
I would love for this to have an audiobook. Go support Sandra!!!
Happy dance! Just hit a stretch goal. The lecture bundle gets a bonus lecture and I get paid. Up next audiobook and offset printing! www.backerkit.com/c/projects/s...
Structuring Life to Support Creativitywww.backerkit.com A resource book to help writers, artists, and other creatives make more art with less burnout.
A lot of “Native territory” maps pin the Lipan Apache to a small region, but we were all over Texas (and elsewhere). Save this for your land acknowledgements in Texas, which actually do help us, IMO, since we’re actively fighting erasure and making strides in political rights.
I wish it were possible to talk about more of my linguistic work on here but it's mostly (A) coding and (B) top-secret until published, so, instead, have some vineyards!
I sort of feel like this was a badly designed choice of loanwords?
Including a language in your fiction? This linguistic world-building consult with linguist Dr. Christina Skelton should absolutely be on your radar. www.32auctions.com/o...
1-Hour Linguistic Worldbuilding Consultwww.32auctions.com Auction item '1-Hour Linguistic Worldbuilding Consult' hosted online at 32auctions.
You can bid on this one, too!
Howdy! I've got ANOTHER offering for @romancingthevote.bsky.social ! Do you like linguistics? Do you want to hear a linguist with definite opinions tell you how grammar works and which English grammar rules are wrong? I'll give a talk to you + your friends! www.32auctions.com/organization...
Burn Your Grammar Book: The Lecturewww.32auctions.com Auction item 'Burn Your Grammar Book: The Lecture' hosted online at 32auctions.
The auction is live! Go bid! (On this, and all of the other wonderful offerings as well.)
Hello! I am offering a one-hour linguistic worldbuilding consult for @romancingthevote.bsky.social ! Are you a writer? Do your characters use language? Do you want a smart linguist to help with your WIP? Go ahead and bid, and raise money for a good cause! www.32auctions.com/organization...
1-Hour Linguistic Worldbuilding Consultwww.32auctions.com Auction item '1-Hour Linguistic Worldbuilding Consult' hosted online at 32auctions.
Howdy! I've got ANOTHER offering for @romancingthevote.bsky.social ! Do you like linguistics? Do you want to hear a linguist with definite opinions tell you how grammar works and which English grammar rules are wrong? I'll give a talk to you + your friends! www.32auctions.com/organization...
Burn Your Grammar Book: The Lecturewww.32auctions.com Auction item 'Burn Your Grammar Book: The Lecture' hosted online at 32auctions.
Heck yeah clouds!
YO the sky is wild tonight. Golden light and then purple mammatus clouds!
Help me pick my airplane reading, y'all! I have too many good options.
This was too fun not to share.
May I recommend watching She-Ra with the German subtitles on? I've been doing that to pick up more German vocabulary, and, let me tell you, besides learning fantastic new words like Pirat (pirate) and Abenteuer (adventure), some of the screenshots are absolutely choice.
Sandra is a badass of logistics, creativity, and general awesomeness and I'm so excited for this!!!
This project had a strong launch and now we're trying to gather enough support to fund recording an audiobook. Maybe someone you know needs this book? www.backerkit.com/c/projects/s...
Structuring Life to Support Creativitywww.backerkit.com A resource book to help writers, artists, and other creatives make more art with less burnout.
Hello! I am offering a one-hour linguistic worldbuilding consult for @romancingthevote.bsky.social ! Are you a writer? Do your characters use language? Do you want a smart linguist to help with your WIP? Go ahead and bid, and raise money for a good cause! www.32auctions.com/organization...
1-Hour Linguistic Worldbuilding Consultwww.32auctions.com Auction item '1-Hour Linguistic Worldbuilding Consult' hosted online at 32auctions.
Please enjoy some rain lilies! I'm not sure what species, but they were given to me by a Texas friend who does native plant rescues...maybe one of you can help?
I enjoyed Paladin's Grace also and this is an excellent endorsement!
::charges in headlong:: I made a terrible promo comic for #MakeATerribleComicDay2024! This one is for @tkingfisher.bsky.social's PALADIN'S GRACE, the first in her Saint of Steel aka Paladin romance series.
As a linguist who works on ancient Greek-- yes, exactly this. I'd draw particular attention to 'sparkliness' as a quality in Greek color terms, where argós = 'shimmery white' but also 'nimble, swift.' In fact, most of the examples I was able to identify have primarily the latter meaning...
Some vandal spray-painted "Romani Ite Domum" on a section of Roman wall in Cologne, Germany!
@wiswell.bsky.social Quick question? Is it better to keep your query super-short or describe plot points in detail (along the lines of the back cover copy for your upcoming book)? I see some agents and authors saying <250 words, and others want the plot in detail, without spoilers...
#fantasy fans and maybe @byzantienne.bsky.social ? I name every single one of my laptops after fictional starships and this one gets to be from A Desolation Called Peace, but I don't have the book with me and cannot remember the full name of Nine Hibiscus' flagship. Help?
Anyone have useful advice/recommendations for installing a Linux distro on a Chromebook? I saw the glad tidings about Crouton but would like recommendations on whether there are better/worse Chromebooks for this out on the market. #linux
@greenleejw.bsky.social Suprised Eel Historian, would you consider at some point covering the eels of Lake Copais? Numerous 4th-5th century BCE Greek sources attest to them being delicious, yet surely the story runs deeper.
Roses are red Ishtar is true That's why, Puduhepa, I'll be marryin' you. -- Hattusili III
Somebody asked how to help our tribe. If you live in Texas, you can call/email the US senators and/or your federal house rep and ask them to work with the Lipan Apache Tribe of TX on legislation for fed recognition. This is extremely helpful! One person can make a difference.
One of the most annoying parts of working on an undeciphered language? Having a solid reference system for the symbols. They are numbered for scholarly convenience, but of course everyone has their own set of descriptors based on appearance/wishful thinking: "cat thing," "arrow," "probably a"...
@scalzi.com Hi! It was great meeting you today! If you would like to see more awesome long-necked lute action, here is my former lute teacher's YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/watch?v=PptQ...