Sandra Tayler

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Sandra Tayler

Writer of words, Maker of books, Caretaker of many things, publisher for Schlock Mercenary, she/her
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We're science fiction writers. Of course we write stories about the consequences of technological innovations, and no one ever comprehends the story is about the consequences and not the technology
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I know it is a holiday weekend in the US and most people are off the internet, but I'm going to just quietly mention my project is only two backers shy of a nice round 500.
Structuring Life to Support A resource book to help writers, artists, and other creatives make more art with less burnout.
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Every day
The answer to political anxiety is political organizing.
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I love this and I feel this really hard as a writer of, specifically, cosmic horror. What do you DO when you're faced with a foe you can't defeat or understand? You still have choices left in your humanity -- not many, but a few -- and the horror is about exploring what those choices are.
I think part of our work as horror writers in 2024 is to help people unlock the parts of themselves that can face terror and adversity without losing their humanity & goodness. We are entering an era of fear and horror like our species has never faced. We need heart.
Reading this thread aloud to brought joy to our morning.
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
If I can sell 600 print books, then I can afford to shift the project to offset printing instead of Print on Demand. Higher quality books with the potential for more features. Getting close! Maybe you or someone you know needs a book?
Structuring Life to Support Creativity Community Achievement: Offset When 600 books are sold the production will be via offset printing instead of print on demand.
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Here's a frame-grab from a video of my grandson playing with the family cat. The cat is not "tolerating" this. The cat CHOSE this. Mom separated the two of them, and the cat circled the room once, then nuzzled right up to the baby and purred for more.
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Why stop at rule one when you can read the whole darn thing and be shaken to your core? The entire book is swift, gripping and grim. And also necessary in the present moment. And while you're at it, maybe tackle Hannah Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism as well.
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
Going to be adding a chapter to this book called "The Weight of the World" where I talk about the challenge of continuing to create in the face of existential crisis. Feels relevant this week.
Structuring Life to Support A resource book to help writers, artists, and other creatives make more art with less burnout.
Milo and I are both planning our day
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Great time to contribute to this delightful effort
It is our first Weirdly Specific Milestone of the auction! With $27,833 raised, the Romancing the Vote total across all three auctions is now... $800,000 We've sent $800,000 to voting orgs for democracy, y'all! ROUND OF APPLAUSE for the whole community!
I have a new neighbor! Maybe my efforts to shift to diverse native habitat are making a difference?
I'm finding it interesting that in 2014 all my crowdfunding promo was guest posting on other people's blogs. This time around it is video and podcast interviews. The landscape has changed a lot.
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Nothing has actually changed. You have a choice between congresspeople and senators and AGs and school board reps It’s a long damn ticket to examine for your vote, just like you had last week. Nothing about Joe and that felon has changed. Eyes on the structural prize.
PERFORMATIVE DESPAIR IS NOT A POLITICAL STRATEGY. Do not conjure your own imagined demise. In particular, don't do it collectively, on a communication system meant to amplify emotional contagion. (simpler/more esoteric: don't do death magic at collective scale on your own minds, for fuck's sake)
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Sandra is a badass of logistics, creativity, and general awesomeness and I'm so excited for this!!!
This project had a strong launch and now we're trying to gather enough support to fund recording an audiobook. Maybe someone you know needs this book?
Structuring Life to Support A resource book to help writers, artists, and other creatives make more art with less burnout.
I vouch for the excellence of this offering! You will not be sorry you talked with
Hello! I am offering a one-hour linguistic worldbuilding consult for ! Are you a writer? Do your characters use language? Do you want a smart linguist to help with your WIP? Go ahead and bid, and raise money for a good cause!
1-Hour Linguistic Worldbuilding Auction item '1-Hour Linguistic Worldbuilding Consult' hosted online at 32auctions.
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I backed it! Join me, I need an audiobook for my attention span issues 😅
Still working toward unlocking an audiobook!
My favorite add on for this project is "Giveaway Book" where backers donate the cost of a book and then I'm able to give the book to a person who needs it and can't afford it.
Structuring Life to Support A resource book to help writers, artists, and other creatives make more art with less burnout.
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The older I get the more I feel like striving to be a good and kind person is an act of rebellion in a hateful world.
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Here is the Kickstarter link. You have your assignment. Help Guppy the dog get a space suit!
Right. Okay. Here's the deal... The Silent Spaces Kickstarter is at 85% and someone just asked me how I was going to celebrate when we funded. And I hadn't thought about it, because imposter syndrome, but then I immediately knew. If we fund today, I'm buying my dog Guppy this spacesuit.
Silent Silent Spaces is a collection of short stories from Mary Robinette Kowal's award-winning Lady Astronaut series!
Alternate history! Lady Astronauts! Characters who are kind! Cool space facts and real physics! This collection is a great place to start in Mary Robinette Kowal's astronaut series.
Silent Spaces is now live on Kickstarter! Back it now to receive the collection of Short Stories and various other exciting rewards all geared around my Lady Astronaut Series.
Silent Silent Spaces is a collection of short stories from Mary Robinette Kowal's award-winning Lady Astronaut series!
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STRUCTURING LIFE TO SUPPORT CREATIVITY is about $5k away from actually cutting a paycheck for, and $10k away from an audiobook add-on. Why, yes, I CAN personally vouch for the principles Sandra presents in this book.
Structuring Life to Support A resource book to help writers, artists, and other creatives make more art with less burnout.
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This is exactly what I need right now to rebuild some kind of post-burnout creative practice
This project is live! Please help me make this book happen. There are exciting add-ons, gift tiers, lecture packages, and more. Every penny of the funding goal goes into producing this book.
Structuring Life to Support Creativity Launch I'm at the Structuring Life to Support Creativity Launch Party on BackerKit - come join!
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Hit the preorder button as soon as I saw this.
This project is live! Please help me make this book happen. There are exciting add-ons, gift tiers, lecture packages, and more. Every penny of the funding goal goes into producing this book.
Structuring Life to Support Creativity Launch I'm at the Structuring Life to Support Creativity Launch Party on BackerKit - come join!