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Retired Government, film & broadcasting teacher. Politics & economics watcher, gardener & cat ❤️- Darth Kitty is one of my cats. If you don’t appreciate science, journalism, enjoy a good movie or think politics is a spectator sport, I’m not your thing.
"Trump offers an easy escape from the pain....Trump’s promises are the needle in America’s collective vein. Trump is cultural heroin. He makes some feel better for a bit. But he cannot fix what ails them, and one day they’ll realize it." - JD Vance 2016
"Trump offers an easy escape from the pain....Trump’s promises are the needle in America’s collective vein. Trump is cultural heroin. He makes some feel better for a bit. But he cannot fix what ails them, and one day they’ll realize it." - JD Vance 2016
Reposted byAvatar DTwyman
Trump fell asleep at his own convention last night. We need to start calling him “Sleepy Don”, with pictures. Asleep at his felony conviction trial, asleep at the convention, etc.
"Thomas Crooks's, [the shooter's] father, the owner of the rifle that was used to shoot at Donald Trump, was held on a database and profiled by the former president's election campaign & identified by them as a strong Republican supporter, gun owner and hunter. t.co/qFiHSdSOMK
REVEALED: Trump campaign secret data on gunman’s familyt.co The family of Trump’s would-be assassin Thomas Crooks was among millions of voters profiled by Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign
"California’s power grid emerged from a nearly 3-week record-setting heatwave relatively unscathed & officials are crediting years of investment in renewable energy-particularly giant batteries that store solar for when sun stops shining" www.sacbee.com/news/politic...
One of the differences between Democrats and Republicans is that when Democrats have an elected official who has committed a crime they seek his ouster. #Menedez
Reposted byAvatar DTwyman
They're coming for all of education. Orban gutted Hungary's universities/GOP has stripped courses & staff from public universities in states they run. The GOP is coming for books, libraries, history & culture & anything & everything that fails to serve the narrative of the MAGA-Reich. GOTV now.
It's a heck of a note when I have to find solace in only being the 8th worst. But here we are a tiny blue 🔵.
What else is there to say?
Reposted byAvatar DTwyman
JFK saved his PT boat crew, pulling one injured man using a rope he clenched in his teeth while he swam through the Pacific to an island, later had to have multiple surgeries for his own back injuries from the sinking, and was in constant pain for the rest of his life.
Bush the Elder flew almost sixty air combat missions against the Japanese in WW2, John Kerry pulled a half dozen men out of the water and into his swift boat in Vietnam while under a hail of direct gunfire, but tell me again about how giving a thumbs up while under a literal human shield is tough.
Judge Cannon dismisses classified docs case —> says Jack Smith appointment is unconstitutional. I’d say we are in Banana Republic territory but that’s insulting to many places that grow bananas.
Swallowtail butterfly amidst the phlox & coneflower.
If the well armed, well-trained, Secret Service cannot protect the president of the United States from a sniper, what kind of chance do teachers have protecting students?
Texas Tops the list of the 10 states with the worst quality of life, with its lousy health care & failing power grid. The rest of the list: Indiana, Alabama, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Missouri, Kansas, and Arizona rounding out the bottom. www.cnbc.com/2024/07/13/1...
These are America's 10 worst states for quality of life in 2024www.cnbc.com These 10 U.S. states are letting residents down on quality of life, with high crime, environmental problems and lack of legal protections.
And his potential running mate J. D. Vance, was referring to him as Hitler. Only the best people.
He says 1Tablespoon per gallon of water of Arm and Hammer "Super Washing Soda" has worked well for him. He says, "warn him, it's habit forming."
Gentle reminder, at times like this to: Slow down, and verify before reposting. It takes time to establish the facts & investigate. Remember, opportunists with agendas are filling the information vacuum. Your feelings & posting finger are being targeted with disinformation right now.
PRELIMINARY INFORMATION There appear to have been shots fired at the Trump rally. Trump is fine, he appears to have been grazed either by a fragment or by the fall. Secret Service, has rushed him off the stage. The situation is fluid.
The power of high school general science class (an electrolysis tank made from household items and a $30 manual battery charger off of Amazon). I'll ask about the mixture when he gets back from my granddaughter's softball game 😊
It really works, he’s got it rigged up in the garage.
Here's a picture of one of his projects mid process. Soup you do not want to drink!
I'm thinking of having this framed. #Climate
He’s also a woodworker, he’s pretty impressive, even if I do say so myself.
Should've, would've, could've...
My son is experimenting with electrolysis, this is an Antique Cast iron stove top cover, before & after.
The 3rd largest city in America is still without power, a week after a storm passed through. It’s 90°+ inside people’s homes. The CEO of the sole power provider took a $35mil bonus last year after spending billions on stock buy backs instead of line maintenance. Texas’ R. Gov. is out of the country.
Naturally Gov. Abbot is out of the country during a bad weather event when the grid collapses (AGAIN), he is clearly taking a page from Ted Cruz’s book. BTW, Texas is trying to negotiate price with all of the out of state linemen instead of just paying them a fair wage.