
Landlords use RealPage to jack up rents, often with the majority of units in a city using the software, allowing it to raise rents in unison - leading to FBI raids and a criminal investigation Turns out RealPage is the brain-child of Harlan Crow, most famous for taking Clarence Thomas on vacations
FBI raid on real estate company linked to Harlan Crow's RealPage rental price A tip of the hat to David Cay Johnston, who opened his interview on the Mark Thompson Show yesterday by noting a story that, so far as I can tell at this time, has been completely blacked out of the n...
".... most famous for taking Clarence Thomas on vacations" His Nazi memorabilia collection would like a word.
Do you not know about this?! Apparently, he has a giant collection, the kind of thing that if it were something harmless like Star Wars, you'd have questions. And his response when confronted? "I keep it around to remind me how bad Nazis are."
HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS!!?? I mean the guy was already evil bc he’s a billionaire but