
Landlords use RealPage to jack up rents, often with the majority of units in a city using the software, allowing it to raise rents in unison - leading to FBI raids and a criminal investigation Turns out RealPage is the brain-child of Harlan Crow, most famous for taking Clarence Thomas on vacations
FBI raid on real estate company linked to Harlan Crow's RealPage rental price A tip of the hat to David Cay Johnston, who opened his interview on the Mark Thompson Show yesterday by noting a story that, so far as I can tell at this time, has been completely blacked out of the n...
".... most famous for taking Clarence Thomas on vacations" His Nazi memorabilia collection would like a word.
Perhaps they went on vacations looking for Nazi Memorabilia ? A two-fer if you will.
Harlan: I thought we might leave the yacht in the Mediterranean and go into town and do some thrifting. Clarence: Are you looking for vintage clothing? Harlan: I suppose an SS uniform is a kind vintage clothing ....
Harlan: Yes… I’m looking for some vintage Hugo Boss.
Do you not know about this?! Apparently, he has a giant collection, the kind of thing that if it were something harmless like Star Wars, you'd have questions. And his response when confronted? "I keep it around to remind me how bad Nazis are."
HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS!!?? I mean the guy was already evil bc he’s a billionaire but
What, finally, the fuck is this person's primary damage? I don't get him, I don't get Steven Miller. What fucking happened?
what do you think they were doing on vacations?
Cool Will no one rid us of this turbulent leech?
The man has an address.
A journey of a thousand regicides begins with one cut
As a RealPage victim I am sitting here blinking slowly and crossing fingers and toes for real action. 15% over two years and was literally told by my landlords to pay or get out after the 11% hike. Yeah. I can get another company using RealPages. PLEASE take them down.
They made a statement claiming none of it is true and saying they are committed to affordable housing and basically saying it's not their fault when landlords use their software as intended...
Last year my apartment complex was taken over by new management who use RealPage, and when it came time to renew our lease they tried to increase the rent by 30%!!! Saying it was the market rent. I got it down to "only" 10%. Not looking forward to what they pull this year.
Most RealPages "members" won't negotiate at all. When I moved in, this place was run by people who promised me a reasonable annual limit and said they would always negotiate. The owners fired them, brought in their own people. I moved here to escape RealPages. It's impossible without buying.
Didn't I hear that RealPage members are contractually obligated to follow RealPage's "objective", recommended "market price" something on the order of at least 86% of the time? Plus something about RealPage having access to members' proprietary/internal (ie. non-public) data as well? Price-fixing.
I don't know about that, I do know they almost always do. RealPages advertises that they can increase revenue by 20%. And it absolutely is price fixing, the question is whether it follows the legal definition because a third party is setting prices without direct collusion.
The other issue is what we do about it. Fine RealPages? It'll dip their profit. Fine the people using them? You know where that money is going to come from. Arrest people? They'll just be replaced. Make it illegal? Back to point #2 about who will be paying the fines.
They were trying to raise our rent to significantly higher than the rate they were advertising for the floor plan, which is probably why I got them to lower it. The rate they're currently advertising is *still* much lower than what they tried to renew us at! It's all a scam.
Oh, that's common. It's the "You don't want to spend hundreds of dollars and a month moving every year" penalty.
I’ve said for some time it's not inventory driving rents. I’ve kept hearing the term “market rates” from landlords when “market rates” haven't meshed w/ local average income. It reminded me of the values during the no-money-down-no-income lending. And there is all the part-empty luxury apartments.🙄
Heh. Excellent. Hope someone gets punished.
I remember when he was only famous for having one of the, I will not say finest; one of the largest collections of nazi memorabilia in the US.
Just so many dimensions of evil in one man, it's almost impressive
They don't want to just kill the poor, they want the middle class also. It's beyond cruel.
Compared to the actual rich, the middle class are poor peasants undeserving of attention besides getting crushed when convenient
They can't stand the middle class because we collectively have a lot of money and they want it. They want everyone else to be poor, and to stay that way.
I was assured, ASSURED I SAY, that Harlan Crow was an American patriot and a kind wonderful man by several well known conservatives whom he had hosted for lavish parties and whose salary he paid.
Please please tell me that Thomas was involved in crafting how to maneuver the legal side of this. His name was not mentioned much in the article.
Presumably, much of the legal side will be crafted now. I mean, why bother doing it in advance when it might not even be necessary?
Sometimes I feel so crazy seeing the same handful of names show up like I'm in the Star Wars of a hack writer who reuses characters and villains at an alarming rate. Like, this one fucking guy is making my life worse on so many axis' what the fuck
But almost all billionaires made their money by taking advantage of commoners. If commoners don't defend themselves through anti-trust laws, it's their fault. Oh wait...
This is the kind of thing that is why I never say comments like "I could not hate this man more," because you've managed to make me hate this fucker so much more than I could imagine.
Yep. My ok apartment went up $270 a month a couple of years ago. The apartment is the same. I hope they all rot.
That Harlan Crow who financed Thomas’s nephew’s education? Said nephew has been ghosted by the Thomases since 2010. He got kicked out of fancy school for drugs & Clarence washed his hands of him. Sorry for the rant. Had to.
RealPage advertises it uses "AI" It does regression analysis Layers of disingenuous BS
How fucked up is this? When is enough enough for those greedy ghouls?
Easy peasy just become unfathomably rich and buy a SC justice