
someone on Twitter called it "rawdogging other people's breath" and that completely changed how I think about masks. not wearing a mask in public is like licking shit off their asses
Side note, covid or not, I'm never going to another con unmasked again. I can't believe I just accepted getting sick *every time.* I was just letting all those people breathe into my mouth.
oh, that very literally may have been me.
I have a background in work safety. Wearing PPE and training others to do so was already a daily practice. But "rawdogging other people's breath"? I pictured in my head the spit that flies out of people's mouths going into mine and immediately understood. thank you for putting it that way πŸ‘
i also refer to masking as β€œholstering your germ holes” 😌
i was visualizing it that way anyways but adding that particular tagline makes it even grosser