Lisa Will

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Lisa Will

Astrophysicist, educator, geek. She/her. Professor, Physics/Astronomy, San Diego City College. Resident Astronomer, Fleet Science Center.
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💯 which is why a key layer of Covid prevention is increased paid sick leave. Sadly in response to CDC lowering their guidelines, places like NY *took away* sick leave. This is why accurate CDC guidelines are important.
Hochul administration eliminates state employees’ Covid-19 sick Despite a budget deal to end a universal sick leave policy next year, the benefit has vanished for state workers immediately.
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Nothing prepared me for this image of yellow sulfur crystals on the surface of Mars. These were discovered because Curiosity rolled over a rock (A geode?) that went crunch and revealed its golden treasure. Ok, can we have more robots please?
NASA’s Curiosity Rover Discovers a Surprise in a Martian Among several recent findings, the rover has found rocks made of pure sulfur — a first on the Red Planet.
Go see !
My SDCC schedule: Middle-Grade Fiction: Not Just Fart Jokes Fri 11-12, Room 9 Autograph: 12:30, Sails Pavillion Robots & Other Mechanical Beings Sat 10-11, Room 4 Autograph: 11:30, Sails Pavillion Science in Middle-Grade Sci-Fi Sat 2-3, Shiley Special Events Suite, San Diego Central Library
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With many people getting COVID from the summer surge, a reminder that the CDC's isolation guidelines are inadequate. It's best to isolate until you test negative on multiple tests. If you can't stay home the whole time, wear an N95 mask to stop the virus spreading to others.
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On a day when a giant multinational union-busting corporation is having a sale I would just like to praise some awesome indie bookstores, starting with where I will be next week (July 23) with Max Gladstone. And in Arizona has been awesome for decades (More)
Copper Dog Books | Beverly's Downtown Copper Dog Books is an independent bookstore located in downtown Beverly, Massachusetts, offering high quality customer service to help you find Books, Toys, Puzzles, Games, and more! We also speciali...
Another timeline cleanse for you, if you need it.
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Vance was Heritage's pick so don't forget about Project 2025, which proceeds apace
*looks around* I think we should all log off and rest up.
I see people complaining about FB taking down posts because "It looks like you tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way." I got that for trying to share my #SDCC panels yesterday. A glitch on popular terms/links, perhaps? Might not be nefarious... this time.
And one more panel. Please join us to discuss the reality vs fiction of "For All Mankind." This should be really interesting. Much more interesting than the Marvel Studios panel in Hall H opposite us. Trust me. PLEASE JOIN US!
Comic-Con 2024: For All Mankind: Historic Fiction, View more about this event at Comic-Con 2024
Join me, my beloved, and others to talk about the role of science in middle-grade science fiction. This panel is also part of the Comic-Con Conference for Educators and Librarians. (see link about that in replies)
Comic-Con 2024: Science in Middle-Grade View more about this event at Comic-Con 2024
Although this is opposite one of my panels (😭), y'all should consider attending this one, too. That's a talented group, and it'll be fun.
Come to our Comic-Con panel, Fri 7/26, 11am, featuring Cecil Castellucci, Delilah Dawson, Holly Root, Dan Santat, and me. It’s the best panel. Middle-Grade Fiction: Not Just Fart Jokes
Comic-Con 2024: Middle-Grade Fiction: Not Just Fart View more about this event at Comic-Con 2024
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New official JWST release: Interacting galaxies Arp 142 (NIRCam and MIRI image). 🔭 🧪
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What is a legacy? For Hubble, it’s spending three years on an ultraviolet survey of actively forming and recently formed stars to gather spectral information for researchers to analyze. Take a closer look at Hubble’s ULLYSES program: 🔭 🧪
Here’s a chance to read an excerpt of my beloved’s upcoming book! You know you want to!
Here's an excerpt of my middle-grade novel, HAPPY TOWN (Oct. 24). In a company town where all the adults have become meat-craving zombies, the kids are made of meat. It's also a hate letter to billionaires. I haven't read it in a while. I hope it's good.
Happy Town - Excerpt - Greg van Dear Reader: Want to take a look at my upcoming middle-grade novel, Happy Town, coming out October 22, 2024 from Harper Colins? Well, scroll your way down and you can read the first four chapters. Or ...
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Dems could run on a platform of "Republicans are trying to take away your football" and nothing more and that could win over a solid 48% of conservatives.
Tired: Project 2025 wants to bring back the Sabbath. Wired: Project 2025 will ban Sunday sportsball games and forget about getting beer.
I just feel like Dozer always perfectly reflects my moods.
Pups for your timeline this evening.
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WOW Reminder: Olympus Mons is vast. It's 22 km high (over twice as tall as Everest) and *600* wide.
Dust Storm on the Olympus Mons! Full size image: 🔭 Video: Credits: Image Processing: AndreaLuck CC BY Raw Data: ESA/DLR/G.Neukum-FUBerlin ESA Mars Express HRSC 2023-08-01 Created processing data from:
Commencing my annual tradition of comforting our dogs and wishing ill on all the folks setting off fireworks. (I hate this holiday so much.)
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I’m not saying the paper of record is trying to hound the president from office out of a fit of pique because he won’t sit down for an interview, but if it were, how different would things look?
NYT blasts Biden for avoiding The Times in a statement called it “troubling” that Biden “has so actively and effectively avoided questions from independent journalists during his term.”
This one demands scritches.
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This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
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AAAS has just released an amazing set of comic book stories about women scientists, including physicist Dr. Jessica Esquivel & astronomer Dr. Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil. And the art by is amazing. Please check them out! #EduSky #AstroSky #comics🎢
Returned from a trip with Covid as a souvenir. Our first bout, because none of our usual precautions (masking indoors, outdoor dining only, max allowed vax boosters) can overcome being the only people masked on an overseas flight during a surge. Please, please, please wear masks around others.
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This image of L1527 was taken by #NASAWebb in mid-infrared. The protostar in this image is tiny. It resides in the red center at less than a pixel in size, but the white areas above and below it show just how much dust it stirs as it develops: 🔭 🧪