
Why I Don't Vote (OK, I Do Vote, but I Would Like to Discourage You, NY Times Reader, For Doing So For Some Reason) Via
Man, if it turns out that the right winger telling NY Times readers that they should follow his example and not vote did in fact vote in the last two elections, the Times should add this to the piece. Better than a retraction, since it illustrates a willful hypocrisy.
I mean, maybe there is another Matthew Walther in Three Rivers, Michigan (pop, 7,905), of about the same age.
I mean, maybe there is another Matthew Walther in Three Rivers, Michigan (pop, 7,905) *also born in 1990* (via (Seriously tho, the NYT should amend the article to note that this guy does, in fact, vote).
Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote
I've read the NYT daily since I left home at 18, over 30 years ago. It will make canceling my subscription a difficult. But that piece plus how Ukraine and Trump don't seem to be worth being above the fold makes it far less difficult.
And this the other day: Just the whole paper suddenly beating the same drum tastes wrong.
I mean the DNC does owe us a better candidate. I voted for one in the primaries last time and they gave us Biden. I voted for him and I’ll do it again just to stop the fucking psychopaths trying to destroy the country because our legislators and courts sure as fuck aren’t doing much to stop them.