
It makes me angry that people still have such limited and unimaginative and also factually wrong ideas about how what happens on social media "isn't real life".
“You don’t accomplish anything by posting” is such a ridiculous & boring take. I have learned so much from so many people on social media just from them posting. I have shared that information with others. We have changed our behaviors based on information to impact communities & ourselves.
And how comfortable those folks are just writing huge swathes of humanity out of mattering.
I have met all but one of my dearest friends online over the years. I fly thousands of miles to see them in person. (and vice versa). I only wish we had a TARDIS so we could all plot and laugh over coffee together, but still: the miracle of the Internet!
Some of them -can't- at times "go outside and touch grass." They're very remotely located, and/or have disabilities. Also, how do these people think people DO "accomplish anything?" And if the net is so useless then wtf are they doing here, wanking? Bored now. Block.