
The reason I prefer "Disabled communities" to "Disability community" is the same reason I prefer "Autistic communities" to "autism community".
There are two different things going on here. The first one is about community vs. communities. IME there are multiple communities of Autistic people and of Disabled people in general. The second thing the difference between "the topic" vs. "the identity".
I know from years of experience that if you talk about "autism community", non-Autistic people who are interested in the topic of autism will assume that includes them. I've seen similar things with "disability community". So I prefer saying Autistic communities and Disabled communities.
Also I want to clarify something. WRT "Autistic communities", it's not because there are "different types" of Autistic people. It's because there are literally different communities of Autistic people. Different ways of connecting, different languages, different priorities, etc.
There are two different things going on here. The first one is about community vs. communities. IME there are multiple communities of Autistic people and of Disabled people in general. The second thing the difference between "the topic" vs. "the identity".
Like, Autistic Twitter is not Autistic Bluesky is not Autistic Facebook is not Autistic Mastodon is not Autistic Tumblr and none of them are your local Autistic people meetup group. And then even on Autistic Twitter, there were different groups.
And they didn't all even know each other existed, even on the same platform.
Same goes for Disabled communities, only with hugely more variation. Some communities are diagnosis-specific and some are cross-Disability inclusive and some are overwhelmingly white. For example.
At work I'm not allowed to say "autistic" and MUST say "the autism community" bc allistic parents and families are considered more important to the autism charity (run by all allistics) and we "can't afford to alienate them".
Literally one venue that we were trying to host an autistic group at told us that if we use the word they would stop allowing us to meet there bc the allistic Christian owner prefers euphemisms only. It's fucked out there.
oh my gods that's fucking awful. allistics don't centre yourselves challenge, difficulty: impossible
For real!!! Just goes to show you community organizing over "charities" every time
yep. charities are bad 90% of the time so much corruption and greed which is sad and ironic (in all the worst ways)
Oh I very much like and appreciate this distinction.
i love this distinction because, yeah, there are many communities within the whole group. and they're our communities. not our diagnoses'
I like plurals for community too. Even if I don't like Asperger's labels or high/low functioning categories, Aspies are in community still.