
The DoD has recognized pride month every year since 2012, following the repeal of DADT. Not a new policy; the "backlash" is a shift in how conservative media outlets report on the military, which *is* new. The case is a great data point in the debate over "politicization" and the military. (šŸ§µ)
Official US Navy Special Forces page draws backlash for ringing in Pride month: 'Navy SEALs have gone woke' The Facebook account for Navy Special Warfare celebrated the beginning of "pride month," causing backlash on social media.
This reporting turn tracks directly with lower GOP support for the services. Many point to recent surveys as evidence of a "loss of confidence in the military" but the "loss" comes nearly all from GOP (-22pp), versus Dems (1pp), following the turn in media coverage.
Confidence in U.S. Military Lowest in Over Two Americans express the lowest level of confidence in their military in decades. Republicans are still the most likely to be confident in the military.
The ā€œSEALS/wokeā€ story illustrates an example of what I term ā€œaspectā€ politicization ā€“ viewers reliant on third-parties for info about the military are convinced the military is moving ā€œawayā€ from them, when the viewerā€™s own ideological position is becoming extreme due to narrow media habits.
When these actions happen through the parties themselves, I term this ā€œrelativeā€ politicization: party positions become extreme or asymmetrically polarized & the public mistakenly believes the military is ā€œmovingā€ closer to one party. In truth, it is bc the heuristic goalposts have changed.
One example used in the book is Charlottesville. The service chiefs issued statements denouncing racial extremism after the event, statements that on their own were largely uncontroversial reiterations of DoD policy.
Inspired by Charlottesville, Military Chiefs Condemn Racism (Published 2017) Forceful statements against racial hatred and extremism by five of the Joint Chiefs of Staff stood in unusual contrast with President Trumpā€™s remarks.
ā€œIā€™m sure there has never once been a gay navy seal. Itā€™s impossible. Also, if scientists look inside my brain they will find itā€™s full of beans.ā€
Yes. Thank you. So you think the rightwing media shift is causal to the armed forces opinion shift? This runs counter to the way many strategists think of r/w media ā€” which is that itā€™s just giving people what they want to hear.
In case I was overly subtle: I disagree strongly with that view and agree media can cause shifts like this
They're laying the ground for an ideological purge if Trump takes office. Failing to pack the military with cronies was Trumps biggest dictator 101 mistake in his first term and they're not going to let him repeat it
One of the most famous JSOC operators is a trans woman??
Libs of TicTok should be terrified. She should live her life in fear. If I ever see her irl Iā€™ll make sure.
I bet they wouldn't "backlash" that much if Putin or Xi decided tomorrow to send a few missiles across the pond... Wth would anyone ever care about other people's sexuality, if they don't want to date them?!
There can be no other course of action for every God-Fearingā„¢ conservative but to find a Navy Seal and insult them.