Michael Robinson

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Michael Robinson


Army Strategist | Stanford PhD |
Adjunct Associate @GeorgetownCSS |
Fmr Asst Prof @westpointsosh.bsky.social (all views own, not DoD ); civil-military relations.

Author of Dangerous Instrument: Political Polarization & US Civil Military Relations
The monologues that get (justly) alot of attention in Andor always seem to be Serkis's on rage and Skarsgard's on sacrifice, but on rewatch Fiona Shaw's on "sleeping" is perhaps the most powerful and the one we hear the least about
My California hometown celebrating our American independence and our Mexican heritage. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
2nd July 1863. Battle of Gettysburg. For perhaps the only time in the entire war the Confederates seem to be winning. Dan Sickles, commander III Corps, is ordered hold on Cemetery Ridge. For reasons unknown he advances. Broken, his men begin to flee. This is the moment on which the war depends /1
The DoD has recognized pride month every year since 2012, following the repeal of DADT. Not a new policy; the "backlash" is a shift in how conservative media outlets report on the military, which *is* new. The case is a great data point in the debate over "politicization" and the military. (🧵)
Official US Navy Special Forces page draws backlash for ringing in Pride month: 'Navy SEALs have gone woke'www.foxnews.com The Facebook account for Navy Special Warfare celebrated the beginning of "pride month," causing backlash on social media.
The important thing to recognize about reforming the Insurrection Act is that it started out as a fairly limited delegation of legislative power to the executive and continuously expandednover time. There is no reason we can’t simply restore some of theboriginal/early provisions. 1/
So for me the difference between @bsky.app and the bad place is that while I get less engagement here, I also don't get furious avalanches of "he wasn't a KKK leader, it was just a harmless social practice" responses to my @warontherocks.bsky.social piece on Longstreet. So net gain.
Just a reminder, my friends, that it's so important it's inscribed over our highest court: equal justice before the law.
In this piece, I discuss the next phase of politicization of the U.S. military and its implications for the country’s security. I tried to be dispassionate, but honestly I am pretty worried about how this all might end. No paywall (for now).
The Creeping Politicization of the U.S. Militarywww.foreignaffairs.com How Republicans’ loyalty tests erode national security.
Thanks to @lawfare.bsky.social for for publishing the latest by @risabrooks12.bsky.social, @eclipticevader.bsky.social and me on how retired general and flag officers weigh normative considerations regarding political speech.
Do retired generals think they should speak out on political issues?  @risabrooks12.bsky.social, @eclipticevader.bsky.social, and @heidiurben.bsky.social surveyed retired general and flag officers about how they viewed the norms governing their political activity in this week's Foreign Policy Essay.
Generally Speaking: Assessing Political Speech by Retired General and Flag Officerswww.lawfaremedia.org Do retired generals think they should speak out on political issues? Most favor restraint—but how much and when is up for debate.
I really enjoyed working with these two fabulous women. Thanks to the editors and reviewers! Polisky Academicsky CivMilSky
Thrilled to say that this research - co-authored with the amazing @proflupton.bsky.social and @profjessblankshain.bsky.social - has just been (conditionally) accepted at APSR. Grateful to MIT SSP and Taylor Fravel for this chance to discuss with faculty and students youtu.be/4xlMPFfvUhE?...
Dr. Lindsay Cohn - Public opinion and the use of state coercive forceyoutu.be We know a fair amount about what shapes US public attitudes towards military operations abroad, but very little about attitudes toward the domestic use of th...
Huntington's Soldier and the State is a terrible book!
National Guard are under command of governors until called into federal service; but average Americans won't see the distinction. TX Gov using Guardsmen for this drags our military further into political territory.
Texas National Guard faces off against federal government in fight over razor wirewww.independent.co.uk Dispute over razor wire has transformed a political fight into a physical standoff between state and federal governments
Last night I taught my new military, society, politics course & focused on tropes associated w/ veterans (victim, hero, villain). Students' takeaway: there is no single veteran experience; veterans are just ppl Also, stereotyping is distancing & prevents connecting w/others. CivMilSky
I'm revising my U.S. civ-mil relations primer! If you've assigned it, particularly to practitioner students, and have thoughts on what would make it more useful please let me know. CivMilSky media.defense.gov/2020/Jul/07/...
Podcast with USAWC Civ-Mil Relations Center Director @carriealee.bsky.social from back in September that just came out today -- discussed some of the key findings in the book, military politicization in general, and ways forward for civilian and military leaders. Thanks to the CMRC team!
SHIFTING GROUND: POLARIZATION AND THE MILITARY - War Room - U.S. Army War Collegewarroom.armywarcollege.edu Political polarization among U.S. citizens is higher than it has been in decades, and that has to have an effect on a representative military.