
I wrote a piece back in 2018 about how Australia does exactly this (bribe dirt-poor third countries to serve as immigrant prisons / black holes into which people disappear indefinitely) and how it would become a blueprint for the American right.
"The immigration experts I spoke to fear that the Trump administration could respond by creating a sort of Guantanamo Bay for deportees, or dump them in whatever country that’s willing to take them..." Important piece on a restored Trump administration's deportation plans.
Trump's deportation The former president's vow to deport 15 million people is the cruelest, most illiberal, most openly authoritarian campaign promise in modern U.S. history. Oh, and it would also destroy the economy.
Out of Sight, Out of Our Minds | Ed The powerless, quasi-stateless people in Australia’s island detention facilities have been exploited at every turn. They may be a model of where we’re headed.
"It's missing a byline" "Well the word guano appears 3 times in the first 2 sentences." "Ah, OK, it's Ed."
Everything I know about guano I learned from you.
Yes, the UK government want to do this but are so incompetent they have made it a very expensive failure. Impressive how they've managed to piss off absolutely everyone.
Fair enough. I meant "everyone in the UK". Which will contribute to a likely election result somewhere between "crushing defeat" and "total wipeout". Couldn't happen to a more deserving party.
which lucky country will get to be America's Rwanda
I doubt he'd use Guatemala given who is in leadership. But also, if he did strike an agreement with Bukele I can't see anything other than a quagmire in the future of whatever the receiving country is.
There are several dependent US client states in the Pacific that I'm sure would do it in a heartbeat, for a check. That it will turn into a quagmire (i.e. a long-term commitment) hardly registers there.
Not least because because many of those places will be facing reacting to sea level rise by leaving in the near future.
Oh they’re already making barricades out of garbage in a lot of these places.
The image that came to mind as I wrote my response was houses on stilts, with nothing but a seamount under them, á la Waterworld.