
Why can't these people play their cards close to the vest, chrissakes.
You can’t win a state without a ground game, the Florida Democratic Party might be one of the worst run organizations in the country.
Weirdly though this is the first time in many many years that they managed to field a candidate for every House race, so while that's a low bar to clear they're at least marginally more organized that they've been recently.
Cynical me thinks they’re laying the foundation to blame “teh left” for not going along with Democrats’ fascism-lite platform if Biden loses.
I mean that is arguable but tangential to this point, which is that they probably can't win Florida but shouldn't say that to a reporter in mid-June
You’re right. Sorry for being a bit off point. It just feels like they’re playing the “lowering managed expectations” game. When the Democratic Party’s support for ethnic cleansing tanks the races in MI & other swing states they can point to the left for not showing up in close contests.
That’s a pretty chronically online take
Maybe, but seeing the leader of the Democratic Party defend zionists selling stolen Palestinian land at an LA synagogue doesn’t inspire much hope.
Listen I’m not saying you’re wrong just that fascism has a pretty concrete definition and it isn’t typically “does fucked up things overseas”
Maybe it would be nice to reduce the number of topics in life for which one is told "yes, it's the truth but you shouldn't say it."
Well, giving up without ever trying sure is one way to ensure Biden won't win Florida.