

Retired. Former Senior Analyst, SEC Division of Investment Management. Affiliations: @OpenArmsHousing and @actfortransit.
It's not the 1950s any more. He/Him
Most species have an instinct for self preservation. And then there are journalists.
very much reflective of the lack of any real survival instinct among journalists that they think the big story today is whether biden will step down
A nice dialogue.
I have heard versions of this very reasonable question many times, but it misunderstands what money is to the hyper-wealthy (aside from just how they keep score of who’s got the worst daddy issues) — it’s a *flow*, not a fixed supply. How much water is enough for a firefighter? No such thing! …
Often don't agree with Mr. Stancil, but on this one he's 🎯
The way to persuade people is repetition and perceived consensus, especially from trusted information sources. Having better facts is irrelevant except to the extent it induces key figures to shift their view and therefore the perceived consensus
Campaign slogan of the month.
If you’re worried that nasty chemicals are lowering IQs or making your kid gay or whatever, you’re gonna want an administrative state!
"Everything the naysayers warned was utterly false." Attn: DMV elected officials. identifies how the unitary executive theory may be used to justify authoritarian actions by Trump. Somehow, advocates of the theory never say that Biden can/should make use of it.
As I wrote about today, the lesson from the first impeachment is that Trump will populate a second administration with lawyers who will a) cover up wrongdoings with secret legal justifications, and b) argue that nothing the President does is illegal
Why the First Impeachment Eight lessons about how a second Trump administration will govern
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