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Filmmaker, Painter, Photographer, Husband, Father, Dog lover, Malcontent, Man about town
yes the french (and the british) voted against their far right extremists and won BUT those countries don't have a SCOTUS in the pocket of an authoritarian candidate
the first three John Wicks are on TV a lot but John Wick 4, a year after its release, still isn't on any streaming platform. Why? Inquiring minds want to know
Breaking news: Biden’s old (Just in case you haven’t been paying attention) and he still got a lot of good shit done over the past 4 years
Get the parka out. Burrrrrrrr
AND it looks like they were shooting this weekend #F1
in 2020, Bidens campaign was almost derailed because of a hint of inappropriateness due to his pension for hugging women, and yet trump, who is a convicted sexual abuser and possibly a child rapist is the leader of the republican party?! www.independent.co.uk/news/world/a...
Trump’s alleged ‘sexual proclivities’ graphically detailed in new Epstein documentswww.independent.co.uk The new papers contain ‘incendiary claims’ about the former president
THAT was a great race. Probably the best in years. Cant remember the last time Toto smiled like that. #f1
Sign of a great film: “Close Encounters” still hold up after 47 years.
Dear @TCM, please identify that the version of “Close Encounters” you’re showing is the ‘special edition’. Not that I mind much but it would be nice to know in advance. That is all
We all tend to get a little academic with our love of cinema but if you want to just kick back on a Saturday afternoon and have a good time, watch some early 60’s Roger Colman films. Just watched “The Man with the X-Ray Eyes”, so much fun
Wonder why the guy running for pres who had sex with a 13 yr old isn’t being pressured to step down but the guy who needs a nap during the day is?
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If you think Jaws is scary for not really showing the shark, you should check out spielberg's other films. they don't show the shark at all
The UK election cycle is only a short period of time before people vote. Why do we have over a year of non-stop noise? AND we still have 4 months to go!
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This photo is pure 2024.
in an addendum to my previous post, let me add that this movie is bad, not worth the time, and another in a continuing series of original Netflix films I like to call disposable media. If you can get through it, you'll never watch it again and will soon forget it exists #postchat
I can't think of a recent streaming movie with a worse mix than "Axel F" on Netflix. Let's just skip past the slow, horrible, at moments funny, reunion effort but the dialogue is way out front and unrealistic. Its like bad ADR but its not ADR #postchat
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Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there 🫡
Biden campaign says dinner will be served no later than 4:30 so Joe can take advantage of the early bird specials
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I know I shouldn't say this on her birthday, but America really let herself go, ya know?
every year on the 4th here in Phoenix, some idiot shoots his gun in the air to celebrate, totally ignorant of the facts of gravity and that the bullets come back down, invariably injuring or killing an innocent bystander. Every year. Happy birthday 'Merica
Social media was invented to give you something to do while sitting on the toilet. That is all. Carry on
Well it’s official: I’m old. I just signed up for Medicare
I blame the parents and the city for this: www.azfamily.com/2024/07/02/1... common sense says one shouldn't be out hiking when its 113 degrees out. Why are these trails even open during the summer? What were the parents thinking?
10-year-old boy dead after becoming overheated on South Mountainwww.azfamily.com A 10-year-old boy is dead after being rescued from South Mountain on Tuesday.
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Robert Towne just died. 😭 #Filmsky 📽️
In non political news: uggg
After today’s SCOTUS ruling I think Dems are entitled to turn their flag upside down. Oh yeah, I forgot, the Right are the only “true” patriots, so maybe not