Jim Zub

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Jim Zub


Storyteller: Avengers, Conan the Barbarian, Dungeons & Dragons, Rick and Morty VS D&D, Samurai Jack, Skullkickers, Street Fighter, Thunderbolts, Wayward, and more!
Reposted byAvatar Jim Zub
Zubby Newsletter #70: Summer Sprint www.jimzub.com/zubby-newsle... 🔸After the Age Unconquered 🔸Inside Battle of the Black Stone #1 🔸More Memories with the Corner Box 🔸Slaying the Hydra and more! Zubscribe right here: substack.com/@jimzub
Over on Reddit Comic Book, a 17-year old posted up a Batman comic sample page portfolio he put together and in the comments I gave him a pretty extensive critique: reddit.com/r/comicbooks... Not something I normally have time for, but this kid is clearly working hard.
Looks like the 2024 Dragon Award nominations are now open: application.dragoncon.net/dc_fan_award... If you nominate CONAN THE BARBARIAN: BOUND IN BLACK STONE for 'Best Comic Book or Graphic Novel' and let your friends know as well, I'd be incredibly grateful.
CONAN THE BARBARIAN #12 arrived in comic shops last week. It was an epic finish to our first year, filled with big action and big surprises. What did critics think of the culmination of our third story arc, The Age Unconquered? Read on and find out! www.jimzub.com/conan-the-ba...
Zubby Newsletter #70: Summer Sprint www.jimzub.com/zubby-newsle... 🔸After the Age Unconquered 🔸Inside Battle of the Black Stone #1 🔸More Memories with the Corner Box 🔸Slaying the Hydra and more! Zubscribe right here: substack.com/@jimzub
TODAY - I'm at Heroes World, signing from 1pm-3pm. Heroes World comic shop in Richmond Hill (just north of Toronto) is celebrating 23 years in business with a weekend full of events and giveaways.
Had a great chat on Writing About Dragons and Sh*t- Apple: podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/e... We cover graphic novels vs prose, working with artists, writing a short story, the eb and flow of nerd culture, working on Conan the Barbarian, structuring serialized stories, and more! Give it a listen!
Reposted byAvatar Jim Zub
Conan the Barbarian #15 Variant Cover 11” x 17” Mixed media on watercolour paper.
Tonight at Chez Zub's: Chicken Karaage, Corn and Veggies
This photo is pure 2024.
Reposted byAvatar Jim Zub
TODAY- CONAN THE BARBARIAN #12 arrives in comic shops, wrapping up our 3rd story arc, the Age Unconquered and our first year after the relaunch. Action and payoffs aplenty! Did we stick the landing? Buy your copy today and find out!
Tonight at Chez Zub's- Chicken Caesar Salad
An independent comic creator reached out with questions about an original story anthology contract they received (but haven't signed yet). Lawyer Folk- if a creator signs away all Moral Rights to their story, does retaining copyright on that story mean anything?
In comic shops today- LIFE OF WOLVERINE, a one-shot anniversary special that explores and clarifies the events of Logan's twisted history!
TODAY- CONAN THE BARBARIAN #12 arrives in comic shops, wrapping up our 3rd story arc, the Age Unconquered and our first year after the relaunch. Action and payoffs aplenty! Did we stick the landing? Buy your copy today and find out!
Reposted byAvatar Jim Zub
Zubby Newsletter #69: Nice~! www.jimzub.com/zubby-newsle... • Thoughts and thanks on Conan the Barbarian #12 • Make Stories in the Mighty Marvel Manner • Your New Hyborian Adventures Begin Here! • Get Conan Vol. 2 Early and more!
TOMORROW- Do not miss CONAN THE BARBARIAN #12! Our first year ends with epic action and surprises. Rob De La Torre and Diego Rodriguez are firing on all cylinders. Snag a copy and let me know what you think!
Blast from the not-so-distant past that's unexpectedly popped up again: I'm still not interested in contributing to or promoting a crypto/NFT/Web3 "comic". I wasn't interested during the NFT garbage 'boom' and am even less interested now. youtu.be/YQ_xWvX1n9g?fe…
Line Goes Up – The Problem With NFTsyoutu.be If someone pitches you on a "great" Web3 project, ask them if it requires buying or selling crypto to do what they say it does. Sources and Further Reading https://web3isgoinggreat.com/ https://tante.cc/2021/12/17/the-third-web/ https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2021/03/11/nfts-crypto-grifters-try-to-scam-artists-again/ https://amycastor.com/2021/03/14/metakovan-the-mystery-beeple-art-buyer-and-his-nft-defi-scheme/ https://www.stephendiehl.com/blog/crypto-absurd.html https://blog.mollywhite.net/blockchains-are-not-what-they-say/ https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/11/who-goes-crypto-eth-bitcoin-etc-financialization-gamestop-class-wealth/ https://twitter.com/davetroy/status/1478017698676228099?s=20 https://davidgolumbia.medium.com/cryptocurrency-is-garbage-so-is-blockchain-3e80078e77fe https://marker.medium.com/fintech-is-a-scam-a-listicle-in-eight-parts-7b6161f3a35a https://naavik.co/business-breakdowns/axie-infinity/#axie-decon= https://www.gawker.com/culture/the-future-is-useless-expensive https://twitter.com/NFTtheft https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/04/nfts-werent-supposed-end-like/618488/ https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2021-11-05-baseless-nft-hype-hits-a-crescendo-but-its-play-to-earn-thats-worth-watching-opinion https://www.technollama.co.uk/platform-is-law-the-cautionary-tale-of-stolen-nfts https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2021/02/12/libra-shrugged-chapter-6-banking-the-unbanked/ https://twitter.com/Bitfinexed Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: https://www.patreon.com/foldablehuman Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman 00:00:00 Preface 00:01:12 0. In 2008 The Economy Collapsed 00:07:09 1. Bitcoin 00:18:18 2. Ethereum 00:24:34 3. The Machine 00:39:07 4. NFTs Exist To Get You To Buy Crypto 00:57:54 5. The Unbearable Cringe Of Crypto 01:11:46 6. A Self-Organizing High Control Group 01:16:57 7. Crypto Reality 01:25:36 8. There Is No Privacy On The Chain 01:32:52 9. If This "Looks Like Scam" Then Every NFT Room I'm In Looks Like Scam LOL 01:38:29 10. Play To Earn Exists To Get You To Buy Crypto 01:46:39 11. We're All Gonna Make It And By "We" I Mean "Us" Not You 01:56:08 12. DAOs Exist To Get You To Buy Crypto 02:13:21 13. I Know It's Rigged, But It's The Only Game In Town
This guy was just hanging upside down by his feet, munching on his meal. Didn't even care that we were walking by.
Zubby Newsletter #69: Nice~! www.jimzub.com/zubby-newsle... • Thoughts and thanks on Conan the Barbarian #12 • Make Stories in the Mighty Marvel Manner • Your New Hyborian Adventures Begin Here! • Get Conan Vol. 2 Early and more!
Tonight at Chez Zub's: Teriyaki-Marinated Flank Steak and Corn on the Cob with Steamed Vegetables.
Finally watched Godzilla Minus One. Yes, it really is as good as you've heard. Even when we knew what was coming next, we were riveted every step of the ride. So damn entertaining.
Finally had some time last night to start exploring the Land of Shadow in Elden Ring. As expected, it's haunting, strange, and decidedly deadly. I've been avoiding all the spoilers, so there are lots of mysteries to uncover.
Tonight at Chez Zub's: Seared Rib Eye Steak
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Monolith, the crew behind the successful Conan Board Game, have been hard at work on a new tabletop RPG called CONAN: THE HYBORIAN AGE and they just released a FREE Quickstart PDF with core mechanics, pre-generated characters, and a sample adventure: monolithedition.com/portfolio/co...
Monolith, the crew behind the successful Conan Board Game, have been hard at work on a new tabletop RPG called CONAN: THE HYBORIAN AGE and they just released a FREE Quickstart PDF with core mechanics, pre-generated characters, and a sample adventure: monolithedition.com/portfolio/co...
Reposted byAvatar Jim Zub
New on my YouTube Channel, a free lesson from Marvel's The Art of Storytelling course, in partnership with Proko: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_UC... If you want to start writing stories for comics, understanding the basic three-act structure is the ideal way to begin. #marvel #comics #storytelling
How to Tell Stories with a Three-Act Structurewww.youtube.com If you want to start writing stories for comics, understanding the basic three-act structure is the ideal way to begin. Start by establishing key characters,...
CONAN THE BARBARIAN #12's release is delayed to July 3rd due to a shipping issue. Trust me though, it's worth the wait. Comic Crusaders has a 3-page preview, or go spoiler free and let the final issue of the arc hit you like a Cimmerian on release day: comiccrusaders.com/preview-cona...
PREVIEW: CONAN THE BARBARIAN #12 - COMIC CRUSADERScomiccrusaders.com BEYOND FLESH. BEYOND DEATH. BEYOND TIME. Conan has travelled far and seen much in his