
“leftists who have hated Biden for years and opportunistic pundits who have hated Biden for years quickly agreed that the key to beating Trump is to relentlessly attack the duly nominated Democrat until he’s totally unelectable.” with all due respect do people not realize this is extremely bad
It's almost as if they really really really want to get the orange man reelected 🤔
Trump will win because most Americans don’t vote, and he has a dedicated voting block in a lot of states. The 5 leftists on Bluesky aren’t going to cause Biden’s downfall. There isn’t even a leftist political party to organize leftists to vote, so what does that tell you about their power?
Considering how razor thin are the majorities necessary to win in places like Wisconsin, Michigan and Arizona, the people shouting nonsense about genocide Joe do wield some power.
Yeah, it’s called the first amendment. They have right to petition their government because it pressures leadership to change course. Biden ought to be a better president, so folks don’t have to take to the streets. Razor thin margins are because Biden doesn’t care about winning.
Biden is entirely responsible for the Gaza protests. He’s out of step with what most Americans want on the issues. That ain’t even the issue, though. People think he’s sundowning. Go convince your neighbors he isn’t, and he may win. Online leftists aren’t the problem. The centrists not working are.