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Enjoys Horror/SciFi/Fantasy Media,
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Buda, TX & Mid-World
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
they want and need everyone to believe that it is hopeless and that nothing matters and that nothing will ever get better, but, like, they’re wrong. they’re liars. they lie, depression lies, this whole thing is a fucking con to get you to think that submission is better than liberty.
these people cannot win and they know it, their entire schtick is pretending that the reich on the march will keep everyone quiet and scared, but, again, we do not have to believe them, and if we do not, they lose.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Just in case any of you use sticker mule and hadn't seen this
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
As a 501c3 corporation, the Heritage Foundation is not allowed to participate in politics, much less publish manifestos. Download the Project 2025 pdf from their website & attach it to IRS Form 13909 and challenge their tax exempt status. Here's their EIN # 23-7327730 And instructions (email!)
IRS Complaint Process - Tax-Exempt Organizations | Internal Revenue If you suspect a tax-exempt organization is not complying with the tax laws, you may send information to the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Morning, bitches. Remember, there is no guaranteed path to success in life, but there is a guaranteed path to being absolutely miserable. Do not listen to what the system tells you, because it is hopelessly broken. Do what makes you happy and build your life around that; not the other way around.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
This is a really good time if you're not already connected to local groups and organizations organizing around particular issues to find ones in your communities that could use your talents and skills.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Jar-Jar Binks Lollipop (1999-1999): A promotional item for "Star Wars: Episode I", this candy featured the plastic likeness of character Jar-Jar Binks, whose mouth opened to reveal a retractable strawberry-flavored sucker, shaped and textured like his tongue. Delightful.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Artist Duke Riley uses discarded bottles of engine coolant, bleach and Gatorade to bend the rules of an artform that’s become illegal to practice using the customary whalebone. A piece of his recently acquired by the New Bedford Whaling Museum depicts a grim scene of industrial pollution.
Not your grandfather’s scrimshaw: Duke Riley engraves pollution scenes on ocean Artist Duke Riley uses discarded bottles of engine coolant, bleach and Gatorade to bend the rules of an artform that’s become illegal to practice using the customary whalebone. A piece of his recently...
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Folks this is pretty much true EVERYWHERE now. If your city plants a tree somewhere, odds are really good that's all they're going to do for it, and if it's getting too hot and dry in Seattle for young trees to survive... Adopt a new tree near you. Give it a milk jug of water once or twice a week.
Seattle friends! Know how the city has been planting saplings to replace trees that have died from heat/drought/age? The city does not actually water them regularly! In this dry heat, a lot of them are dying. Gator bags say they need 15 gal/week. If you see one in distress on your street, adopt it.
My new habit is saying to myself "They're so young" anytime anyone is younger than me
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Yes. The purpose of good criticism is not to have your own opinions validated. It’s to open up new ways of thinking about an art form or a given work, whether or not you ultimately agree with what the writer is saying. “Critics” like Cinemasins don’t offer this at all, but plenty of great writers do
A good cure for YouTube Critic Overdose is to dig into some film criticism by people who love movies and aren’t counting sins. I never agree with William K. Everson. We just don’t have the same taste. But I love the way he writes about silent movies. So passionate and enthusiastic.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
It's morbin' time, he said insomniacally.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Gunna be a featured reader
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
In the immortal words of James Baldwin, "It's not on us to cool it."
Decade after decade of stochastic terror, gun rights fervor, & the foment of conspiratorial thinking by, from, on, & within the right, & yet it's somehow DEMOCRATS & the LEFT who need to "calm things down" or "lower the temperature?" Nah son. We *been* calm, and quite fucking cool and collected. …
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Daniel Craig looks like a hacker working for Hans Gruber
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Gofundme linked at the end of the thread, since TX is very much a “you’re on your own” state
I feel so bad for people in Houston, man
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Your Honor, I clearly ended the skeet with lol
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
I can't tell you how many shows we've gotten tickets for this year and just didn't go
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Reposting my pixel arts all in one post. I feel like the tv from Hellraiser there didn't get any love because maybe too obscure.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
My birthday's in three days and if you want to get me a present, just take some time or spend some money or otherwise provide some comfort or support to people, individuals or groups, whichever, just do whatever to try to make this a better, more compassionate, & more just world. That'd really help.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
THE GUNSLINGER: THE SLOW MUTANTS (1981) Acrylic on Watercolor Board - 20" x 15" I took up the challenge of illustrating this scene illuminated solely by the flash of a gunshot. In so many ways, it was the shot that set the stage for Roland's epic journey to the Dark Tower. 1/4
Reposted byAvatar Joshua
What was the Warmest Year for your county? For a good portion of Appalachia, it was 1921. For the record, 1921 was the 2nd warmest year for the con-US behind 1934, for over 60 years! It is now the 12th warmest. Warm years are not uniformly warm for everyone. #gis #gischat #cartography #mapping