
The Thinkers follows the four most important partisan think tanks: The Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and Center for American Progress. It argues that they were essential to polarizing American political elites.
The book places these think tanks at the center of policy debates, including: the Affordable Care Act's creation, passage and attempted repeal, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the 2009 stimulus bill, the 2000s-2010s climate bills, the 2013 immigration reform bill.
The Thinkers' core scientific claim is that think tanks were essential to the polarization of American elites that began in the late 1970s. I present evidence both over time, showing that think tank influence increases just before polarization rose, and across issues.
Why? I make an argument that combines theories from the Congress and policy process/agenda setting literature. Without partisan thinks enabled ideologues to translate their normative beliefs about policy into concrete plans. Previously, they had to work through neutral experts.
Any chance you might want to chat about the book on podcast with me? I would love to interview you about the book.
Yes, but I’ve already been contacted by two others re: New Books. Can we talk on email to sort out who I should talk to?
If you have already been contacted by others, I am happy to defer to them. They got there first! But also happy to have email conversation about all of this.
Awesome. I'm in Europe for a conference at the moment but will email when I get back.
Seems like an interesting argument