Sean Webeck

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Sean Webeck

Round II
Reposted byAvatar Sean Webeck
This is the actual, original article The Imperial Supreme Court. Accept no imitations from the New York Times, which decided to take the title and idea without attribution (after turning down my op ed with the same title, no less)
The Imperial Supreme Court - Harvard Law The past few years have marked the emergence of the imperial Supreme Court. Armed with a new, nearly bulletproof majority, conservative Justices on the...
This is funny. But it’s only when you read the skeets that prompted it that you can recognize the genius for what it is.
"They were losing knowledge so fast they had to resort to drastic, even criminal, acts." "You mean?..." "Yes, they had to," *sunglasses* "stele it." YEEEEEEEEEEEEAH
Today I hit 4 years in Duolingo
Over the years I’ve seen a lot of arguments about feminism. And I recognize I am able to distinguish between the different schools. Can anyone recommend something—a good primer?—that could help with this? I saw something and recognize some of these arguments can get mixed. Thanks in advance.
I thought Spain were playing well. But that third goal suggests atrocious defense might be propping them up a bit #EURO2024
I had some amazing Indian food tonight at a place called Namaste in Santa Cruz. Everything was just off the charts with flavor. I think there are a few in the Bay Area as well. But if you’re ever in Santa Cruz and looking for a place to eat, this was great.
I can’t wait until Gerard Butler gets his hands on this script.
Google Has Fallen
I saw this in the theater literally the day after I got back from my junior year abroad. I always connected with that movie.
Watching The Bourne Identity...not studying abroad was probably my biggest mistake
The irony between the title of this paper and how frequesntly it is relevant and timely. If you want to get a better sense of what is going on at the connection between administration and law, I find this often has a few nuggets of wisdom.
The whole piece is about the need for accountability. Zero accountability from the NY Times editorial board about their role. They beat the campus speech drum for a decade when it was about right wing visitors to campus, but called for law and order when it was student/faculty protests.
'Our Usable Past': A Historical Contextual Approach to Administrative In responding to Professor Lynn’s criticism that the field of public administration has been insufficiently attentive to law, this article offers an alternative
This might sound weird, especially those not involved in DoD because so a very large number is spent on DoD, but this same problem is everywhere in DoD. Maybe a better question is, where in society is this ‘not’ a problem?
One of those things where it feels like the clear answer is “hire enough people to make it work,” but since you know no one is going to make funds available for that, you just sort of look at the whole situation and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This meme was created for this post.
firing up the meme machine:
“Dawizard” would be an awesome XFL name (or whatever it is now), especially with this reference in mind.
The best typos come from poorly executed find and replace. In 1994, TSR published a Dungeons and Dragons sourcebook called the Encyclopedia Magica. They were in the process of changing magic users from being called mages to being called wizards. So they did a find and replace on *mage* and
I appreciate that social media offeers a window into the lived experiences of others, which you might not otherwise see. It’s different than reading an article or watching a documentary because it’s first-person communication. As long as they are a reasonable SM user, one can learn a lot.
Keep striving for your goals! I got a rowing machine in 2020. I’ve had a goal to do a 10k in under 40 minutes since then and tonight I did that for the first time. Previous best was 40:23 in 2020, but then I needed a hip replacement and I’ve been trying to build back.
Q for scholars of PA and political scientists who study bureaucracy… there’s obviously a ton on the roles and responsibilities of bureaucrats regarding relationships between politics/politicians and the bureaucracy. Any ideas for what I could read on the other end—what are the roles & resp of pols?
Not sure if I would try it. But the play on words is just top class.
I assume war will begin shortly because of this.
This is amazing. I did not know this.
Ok great this is such a useful feature. Nadia, prepare for your life to be revolutionised! 😂 So open, then press the square button with arrow, scroll and select ‘Add to Home Screen’. Save. You now have a kinda ‘web app’.
Etymonline - Online Etymology The online etymology dictionary (etymonline) is the internet's go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms. It is professional enough t...
This is a helpful reflective for some writing I’m currently doing.
I once wrote about this, recommending the ‘lapidary style’ - a phrase of Borges I think. Choose your words as if you had to carve them on stone.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Webeck
84% of UKR aid is spent in US. The $48.8B bill = $19.85B for replenishing weapons/equipment from DoD inventory; $13.8B to buy weapons/munitions for UKR from US manufacturers; and $14.8B for US support through military training & intel sharing. It's a good deal for US interests.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Webeck
The only way to be explain this football game is that the older brother agreed to switch controllers at the half.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Webeck
The current issue of Armed Forces and Society has an article by and me explaining why Juan Linz' insights about how presidential systems encourage civil-military crises can apply to the United States.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Webeck
The current issue of Armed Forces and Society has an article by and me explaining why Juan Linz' insights about how presidential systems encourage civil-military crises can apply to the United States.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Webeck
Soldiers are being used as police in more countries in Latin America, and being embroiled in human rights and corruption scandals. A scan of civil-military relations news since early December:
Happy New Year, from Heidelberg
Happy New Year, from Heidelberg
Just took a shower in an airport lounge after a 10-hour flight and it may have in fact changed my life.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Webeck
Hi Scholars of Civ-Mil Relations, I will submit a civ-mil panel proposal for APSA, 2024. If you want your paper on the panel, please, email them to me: Vasabjit_Banerjee [at] utk [dot] edu has expressed interest in being a Chair or discussant, but we can have two. Best