
if you don’t have to ask yourself questions like “can i legally use a bathroom in this airport during my layover?” while planning travel, you probably shouldn’t be insisting that it’s important to hear out the people who have made it necessary for others to do so.
My older kid (cis, but presents mildly gender non-conforming) got chased out of a bathroom by a self-appointed gender cop janitor in the Panama City airport. It was genuinely traumatic! Ironically, they didn't clock their actually non-binary sibling but it was fucking awful for everyone regardless
There are definitely states and countries that are currently no-go's for us for these exact reasons. I hate it and my heart aches for people who are living under that oppression.
How many volumes is an expanded green book going to be before this is over?
I specifically avoid certain countries and only use the accessible toilet on a layover.
But…but…but they are scared. That obviously trumps how every trans and nb person feels. Don’t you know that if a man ends up in a bathroom with a woman, he can’t just go about his business? He must stop and immediately harass (or worse) them. He can’t possibly be there because he has to pee.
When my amab child was 6 they had to go to the bathroom at stores without me because they were so tall I couldn’t bring them into the women’s room (in Boston). People thought they were older and they were uncomfortable with the comments.