Jess Liotta 🍄

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Jess Liotta 🍄

Dual class 🇺🇸/🇮🇹 (siciliana, e imparando italiano). Also a mushroom forager, parent to two very fucking cool kids, and general food obsessive; be ready for me to be annoying about all the above. PNW now, CA before, PNW before that. She/her
3 clinically depressed Ikea food products and one with a mysterious energy
Kids successfully deposited at CTY; since I have a couple hours to kill before flying home I decided to come to the plane spotting beach at the end of the LAX runways. 10/10 nerd shit and great party vibes here
Thankfully Covid has not prevented me from taking the kids to CTY in LA today. They’re pumped for three weeks of cryptology nerd math class (Kai) and marine ecology (Miro)
This is incredible context for the newest entries to my running “English loan words spotted in the wild in italiano” (“stalker” also making an appearance here)
The silver lining to this is that TIL that the Italian word for hater is hater.
And they are DELICIOUS, an all time favorite of mine. You can (and should) buy them from literal nuns at I Segreti del Chiostro in Palermo
Or sometimes you're Sicilian and think it's totally appropriate to eat virgin's tits with your nanna:
Cassatella di sant'Agata -
Just imagine this being the last thing you see in life and you’ll know how the random moths and flies around our house feel (well, when she doesn’t miss, which is actually kinda rare bless her heart)
I always feel like an absolute jackass when I order pasta for delivery from a restaurant bc I can easily cook circles around any pasta place that does delivery in this whole damn town. But on some days one simply Cannot and a large pile of carbs is the only real solution
I really like this room in my house very very much especially at this light angle on a sunny day
We had to back out of the Oregon Country Fair this year due to familial Covid nonsense, which is deeply profoundly heartbreaking and crappy. I’m soothing my utter heartbreak by allowing puppy fever to fully consume me
One week from TODAY until HIMMMMM
My sister said the cybertruck looks like a Dustbuster and I’m gunna have to give her that one
As a person who used to direct a literal Hellboy summer camp for literal 13 year olds,, yes please
Dark Horse, let me make a cartoon about 13 year old Hellboy and his little army brat friends getting into age-appropriate cosmic horror shenanigans The kids crave horror cartoons. Why has there been none since gravity falls and Infinity train
important: an explosive known as the 'fish riding cat' was manufactured in the late 19th century by Hirayama Fireworks
I would say Beavis & Butt-head but tbh I don’t find it embarrassing at all, that show was comedy genius and I’ll die on that hill any day
what’s the most embarrassing show you nevertheless like? for me, it’s the considerable shame I feel about enjoying Big Mouth
Look, I wouldn’t want to do hard labor in these conditions… but my backyard weather station says it’s 94.9F, there’s a light breeze, I’m in the shade, and I have a cool beverage. For a lizard like me this is essentially a perfect situation
Fun fact: Anthias joined our family at age 2 so I have never really raised a puppy before, but I am thoroughly confident that it won’t be that difficult if I keep my wits about me and my shit together. (I felt the same way about toddlers and basically found it to pan out well.) Guess we’ll see
Despite having almost 500 recipes saved in the NYT Cooking app and using it almost daily, I'm pissed off enough that I'm gonna cancel this last vestige of a subscription. (I killed my regular NYT sub in 2017.) So help me I'll export every goddamn one individually and never give them another dime
Post an image from one movie with a line from a completely different movie.
Amidst the grim march of World News I have some pure joy. This little fella, a 2.5 month old silken windhound, is gonna come live with me forever in just 13 days. Name TBD. He is sweet and gentle and happy and I can’t wait; I hope yall are prepared for wall to wall puppy spam pics
oh no absolutely no. if there is one thing i will not do it's police how people from countries without something as insane as a nobility arrange the words in conjunctions that include "sir" and "lord" and even "keir"
if I could only take one post with me to the afterlife it'd be this one
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Kai: What do you think is the country that the most Americans don’t know? Me: Gosh, I don’t know. Maybe a newly renamed one like Eswatini? Miro, derisively: Of COURSE people know that, it’s the one almost entirely surrounded by South Africa! Me: …I suggest you lower your expectations considerably
This morning as I was laying in bed being confused about the time (brain: 1 AM; clock: 9 AM) I decided that what we really need for jet lag is a sort of anti-melatonin pill. A wake-you-up drug, as it were. It took an embarrassingly large number of seconds before I remembered about coffee
Not super related to this post specifically, but having seen My Fuji for the first time with my own eyes a few days ago, wow- this photo really illustrates why folks used to compare them. 🗻
USGS: "Earthquake activity at Mount St. Helens was not monitored by seismologists until seismometers were installed near the volcano in 1972. From January 1975 through early 1980, only 44 earthquakes were located within 35km (22 mi) of the volcano."
This was my second favorite store to go to growing up in Longview, second only to the Pet Works. Bob’s had EVERYTHING.
Thanks, Bob's.
Anyway, time to catch up on the ol’ skyline after 15 hours of planes and,, oh geez oh oh dear ugh
I sat down outside in my newly fresh clothes and she RAN over, squeaked at me a bunch, then drooled all over my lap. It’s nice to know that she does actually like, notice us