
Mad Libs, but for third-rate tiktokers.
Guy's from Canada, I get that US politics is important around the world but I am sick of LARPing foreigners trying to convince people who live here that there's no difference between the parties
It's an aggravating pastime!
I doubt he’s from Canada. It may look like it based on his posts but I don’t get why he’d hate-right turn into US politics if he’s legit Canadian.
because that is actually a favorite pastime of most leftists from other English-speaking countries around these parts! you can spend all day arguing with a Brit who will insist that the Democrats in Parliament would pack the Supreme Court if they really cared
Yeah but I’m sicker of Democrats talking about their Republican buddies. Especially with their surrogates out here saying “support Biden unreservedly because the Republicans are FASCISTS” (which, pretty true, but doesn’t convince people to vote for Petain)
yes, joe biden, famously good buddies with henry kissinger, lmao this clipped quote absolutely underscores their deep friendship
Why did he bring up Kissinger? Why is he taking calls from a war criminal? How is any of that worth talking about during an interview in 2024 AD? Biden calls McConnell has friend, that isn’t much dumber. If Biden was wildly popular, I wouldn’t question his weird choices. But he really isn’t.