
my best friend’s 20 year old son looks like a candy flipper straight out of 1993
the fashion trends recently are all 90s anyway, so the fashionable zoomers are just posers
I've noticed this too: fashion isn't doing anything new, it's just circling back to looks from when we were young.
I live near a big state school. whenever I’m near campus I see people who would not look out-of-place if they time traveled to my HS in the late 90s. it freaks me out
what makes me laugh is that they’re not dressed like the cool kids from when I was in middle/HS, they’re dressed like the unfashionable lame-o’s. reminds me of the 1st time I watched pretty in pink and struggled to parse the dynamics bc the loser characters looked cool as hell to me!
it’s great, i’m glad they’re having fun
I have this problem where I'm intimidated by teenagers because they look like the teenagers I was intimidated by when I was 11 and on the inside I am still 11.
I saw some gals in their early 20s the other day dressed exactly like my middle school girl scout troopmate’s cool older sister megan. really took me back
I’m just glad slim fit is over. I had to buy pants two sizes too big and have them taken in because the thighs were too tight.
my sole worry is that low-rise pants will become so predominant again that it’ll be hard to find anything mid- or high-rise. I can’t go back to that