
It's amazing how seldom I see journalists connect the dots: Zionism is an ideology of antisemites. They want them gone, out of western society. Zionism is the pathway to that. They have contempt for Jews who are a part of western society. It's in their rhetoric towards non-zionist Jews.
Zionism is indigenous recognition. And Western society. You mean the White Man's society? The society built on the appropriation and perversion of Jewish heritage? That society?
Borrowed Identity: The Uncomfortable Truth About Jewish Heritage in Christian and Muslim All culture is appropriated, but few traditions have been misappropriated more than the Jewish nation’s.
Why do you think pretty much everything that happened in "Western" folk mythology happened in the Middle East in the homeland of the Jewish people? Because the White Man was born out of the appropriation and perversion of Jewish heritage.
Anti-Zionism is a rejection of who the Jewish people are. It is an attempt to erase us, whether those promoting the ideology realize it or not. Why should we be tolerant to those who threaten our existence, just because they're of us, if they have internalized bigotry against us?
Should I tolerate queers who promote queerphobic ideology like conversion therapy?
You're associating an ethnicity that's thousands of years old (actually all people hold histories hundreds of thousands of years old) with an ethnonationalist movement from the industrial era. All I hear is "it's either us or them" with nothing but divisive rhetoric to back it up.
We have wanted to return home ever since we were first driven out. As you say, we are an ethnicity/nation that is thousands of years old. Now tell me, to what region is my ethnicity/nation indigenous?
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It's like Philp Roth's Rabbi Lionel Bengelsdorf in the Plot against America, seeming to represent one faction while actively promoting its chief opponents.
She took the opportunity to hit hard on secular education The far right wants religious christian education to replace secular education and the fascist republicans have grabbed it to help spread propaganda They are gaslighting us with their faux concerns It's a war on secular education
Sad that she's representing us in ny21.
Echoes of the Haavara Agreement...
Not with Hillary around, always telling us which way the winds blow from Judah...
Good piece. Stefanik is just interested in power and she sees feigning concern about antisemitism as a way to get more power. It’s not something she actually believes. It’s a means to an end.