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Hi I’m Emily


Alt text for profile pic: Girlmode Chuck Bass from the show Gossip Girl

Banner pic: some bags of Doritos and cans of Mountain Dew circa 2002
Reposted byAvatar Girlstinker
can we get self-love trending?
Bisexual is when you like girls and nonbinary people
Also since the US isn’t forcing the israelis into a ceasefire, we’re kind of locked into ww3
I actually don’t give a shit about an election happening in 3 months because there’s a genocide happening right now
I actually don’t give a shit about an election happening in 3 months because there’s a genocide happening right now
Reposted byAvatar Girlstinker
if it’s not produced in the carpet region of France it’s just sparkling terror bombing
Remember when this smelly bitch called me an idiot
Reposted byAvatar Girlstinker
my special skills section of my resume includes suckin, fuckin, and not getting the joke
Reposted byAvatar Girlstinker
putting “I suck toes” on my resumé
How many ribs do I need removed to be able to beat myself up?
Vote for Biden and he’ll make sure your pronouns are respected when you’re drafted as a 40 year old trans woman to go fight Hezbollah
Reposted byAvatar Girlstinker
We’re at the point of “White House begs israel not to start war with Lebanon”, which has worked with every other thing we’ve begged them not to do 👍🏻
Reposted byAvatar Girlstinker
Thoughts are with Lia Thomas today. Hopefully she’s being shielded from all the abuse that’s about to come her way.
It’s actually bad if you don’t vote for the guy making sure your taxes are funding this
„Mr. H., the senior nurse, said a female officer had ordered two soldiers to lift him up and press his rectum against a metal stick that was fixed to the ground. Mr. H. said the stick penetrated his rectum for roughly five seconds, causing it to bleed and leaving him with “unbearable pain.”“
Inside the Base Where Israel Has Detained Thousands of Since Israel invaded Gaza, the Sde Teiman military base has filled with blindfolded, handcuffed detainees, held without charge or legal representation.
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Reposted byAvatar Girlstinker
we've had no donations and are still $1200 short on rent. still waiting for ebt to go through and i'm having to pay out for a used tire today or my car is just a massive paperweight. gonna have to do uber again sadly please help if you can $0/$1200 💸💕 mutual aid venmo: falsegrindmassacre
rent is due in a week and we've had no traction on this. meanwhile things continue to pile up. please help my wife and me keep our apartment
Reposted byAvatar Girlstinker
Gonna just throw this out there: if you're using the phrase "trauma porn" to describe the documentation of the genocide in Gaza, you need to log off and think about shit. That's an incredible amount of disrespect and detachment on display.
This is how I just learned the pope called us faggots, I think
Can queers reclaim ‘frociaggine’ the way we reclaimed queer? Or is it too many syllables?
We should probably declare war on Israel
Israeli forces have attacked another group of tents in Gaza west of Rafah, killing at least 21 people, according to Palestinian medical officials. The area had been designated a ‘humanitarian zone.’
Israeli strike on humanitarian zone near Gaza's Rafah kills 'at least 21' Forces targeted al-Mawasi just days after a widely condemned Israeli attack on a displacement camp
Marx failed to consider zoning laws
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Blinken needs to be treated precisely like a rabid dog
AMERICA! “Stop us from bombing children or we’ll starve children” is not what the Good Guys say 😬 This is bleak shit.
I can’t believe the Fair Play for Cuba Committee would do such a thing! anyway you homo freaks better vote for Joe or it’s the camps for you
Are they aware that there’s no way on earth enough of us are going to believe that Hamas blew up a pride event, or…?
Adhd is so dumb, I’m literally popping pills so I don’t get too bored at Publix
Reposted byAvatar Girlstinker