Pabst Blue Ronin

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Pabst Blue Ronin

If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough
Facebook remains undefeated for z grade content
Which one is Neil Gaiman and which one is Terry Pratchett, I gotta know who we are done with
when this was going around on twitter women's were all like "the squid man from baldur's gate" and men's were like "a jewish woman"
The best demonstration of the skewed reality of the internet is "Hear me out" posts (meaning, "I know this celebrity is hideous but I actually find her attractive because I'm a FREAK!"), over the weekend I've seen one on X and one on reddit where the subject was Colby Minifie:
Twee SFF has way too big a hold on here, we need Miami Vice discourse
That Miami Vice blowup on Twitter feels more like something that should've happened here a few months back. They're jacking everything our culture here had to offer except the groupchat drama being treated like actual crimes stuff
The eternal war between LA County film industry Motocross guys and Riverside County metal mulisha dirt bike bros
Thinking about these guys today
Thinking about these guys today
Not my scene, but these guys rode hard for the socks with little marijuanas in 2008
Since I have been reminded that Amanda Palmer exists, I’m uploading the most deranged film take I’ve seen.
Amanda Palmier and it's a ukulele song about pastry that's somehow racist
What does gen-z think of crew socks with little marijuanas on them is what I want to know?
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
im going to defeat fascism by consuming only good products
Rory Gillmore should have been made to work in a mine
Ok we are all talking about tweets we remember but "boobs so big it's impossible" is now part of the collective imagination
The factory workers at the Iowa diner are all talking about Biden's Stephanopoulos interview!
In an effort to quell calls for him to quit the race, Biden sat for a network TV interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Friday night. Did it work?
6 takeaways from Biden's high-stakes In an effort to quell calls for him to quit the race, Biden sat for a network TV interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Friday night. Did it work?
accidentally ruining the pool hangout by saying i’m rooting for the collapse of the empire
the people who supported forcing this mess on us in 2020 are very upset you think they're stupid & making fun of them
Avatar I cannot see this shit without thinking of you laughing at Biden trying to put a hay bale in a truck bed
Being mean about Biden cope is very therapeutic
"the factory workers in the Iowa diner don't actually care Biden looked like shit"
Reminder- Sword for Hire, Daughter for Hire for all your posting war needs. 500 Ryo upfront, 25 followers on delivery
bluesky eras: - web3 primordial chaos - social justice findom titanomachy - the arrival of the Sea Peoples (Brazilians) - Contraption Reign of Terror - poster's sengoku period
"Israel can't reoccupy Gaza" well it already has. "Israel can't annex the West Bank" already did that too. "Israel can't deprive Palestinians of citizenship if they control their day to day lives" sure they can, who will stop them? The US will not, the US is fine with all of it. Biden certainly is.
Absolute fucking clown shit on the tl this evening comrades
My dog is fine but I guess she's just smarter and tougher than yours
A tweet I still think about
Reskeet with a tweet you still think about