
As said, they published this “voting doesn’t matter” editorial on July Fourth. Shame on them. American independence was declared—and won—by people who gave a damn. And worked for what they won.
Here it is, the dumbest thing you will read today
Weird link but thanks for drawing attention there. Please keep up the good work. On another note some friends and I are seriously looking into joining you in the land of my ancestors if Trump succeeds in taking the Presidency. It will feel like the inevitable end of the empire.
Gonna move my money to Ireland and open a big transition home from emigrants in Clare, I think. /She half kids.
I have a friend with dual US/Irish passports. She’s thinking of selling her house before the election.
My last Irish ancestor arrived in North America in 1805ish. And the US rules on dual citizenship meant that my mom (born in France to US-citizen parents) didn't get to keep her French citizenship after she turned 21, so we didn't inherit that.