The Magenta Egg

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The Magenta Egg

Just another mediocre white guy.
Cats > People.
I design professionally.
I also act, game, ride, cook, read, and sometimes art with the enthusiasm of a talented amateur.
I’ve prob got a lot of red-flag labels on me, but I can’t see them. Sorry. :(
We’re trapped in a brutal (for us) heatwave all weekend. What’s my “too fkn hot” time wasting activity? Sort all my rare #MTG cards you say? Don’t mind if I do!! Yes, I am 100% that #nerd.
You: Please act normal; you need these people to like you. Me: Ok! People: hi. Me: Hi! I’m harmless!! (Manic grin)
You: Please act normal; you need these people to like you. Me: Ok! People: hi. Me: hamsters are one of the most neglected pets out there and pretty much all pet shops use rodent mills. All hamsters need to be in an enclosure measuring at least 100x50x50 of continuous floor space and
TIL: About the “blood quantum” standard for tribal membership in many Native American tribes. And how it was imposed by the US government. So fucking unfair, and yet another thing to answer for.
Gotta say: as a citizen of California, I don’t really feel like I’m in the same country as the rest of the USA.
So, according to the Supreme Court, if Biden decides to toss Trump in jail for his convicted tax crimes and business crimes, in the national interest, that’s ok right?
Ninja (Cat-F, floofy, cranky, utterly devoid of stealth) Hug (Cat-M, black, Follows 3letter BC naming scheme, hates being hugged) TJ (Cat-M, Total Jackass) Cooper (dog-M, no reason. )
Scott (SCOTTIE!) Lopperman. (She/her) A play on, creator of Comedy Bang Bang, Scott Aukerman's name.
Full size TV tray. Extra size #cat. This is also our (by height & length, NOT weight) smallest cat.
I have learned some things this week, and let me tell you friends, I have never been more willing to slowly skin the AI evangelists and corporate kleptocracy alive, then salt them, then nail them to the ground and let the ants have a day. It is going to get SO MUCH worse before it gets better.
Things I dread #thumptyjillion: The notion that by virtue of persistence, hard work, and creativity I am in fact slowly and steadily failing upwards as only a clueless white man can. Am I getting close to this opportunity because I deserve it, or because our society is fucked?
Wait wait wait …. Hear me out. What if - what if I make Cold brew coffee but instead of cold water, I use….. and this may sound crazy, but stay with me here. What if - I used Cold Coffee….. I KNOW RIGHT? /narrator voice: he did it and it’s awesome.
Hey #art people of #artsky… I need a simple #photoeditor for my phone that ISN’T some AI shitware monster. Something I can do transparency, layers, clipping and color with. I have enough skill that AI is the last thing I want. Please help?
#morning #cat: her royal floofiness looks on with grace and ennui
Seriously. Mayor #shengtao is giving all progressives a bad name. She needs to go.
I am an old fat white guy. What are some good cosplay targets for someone like me?
Why are there so many days in the starting with T? Tuesday Thursday Tormsday Traumaday Ted It makes no sense. Especially Ted. Fuck you Ted. Nobody wants to wake up in Ted.
I really do endeavor to live my life like this little guy: 1: have utter trust in those I love 2: be unafraid to ask for what I want or need 3: be completely willing to mess with anyone for a lols 4: never be mean spirited or spiteful 5: make being chill an art Seems like a solid plan.
Always a good time when you find out the town you live in is literally being run by an organized crime trash fire. #shengtao #duongs #oakland JFC. Maybe I should go into politics. There’s no way I’d be worse at it than these clowns.
I “love” that the left constantly hates on MAGA for being so dumb (they are) but they never bother to learn to SPEAK “dumb”. It’s a critical skill, one that Trump has mastered by virtue of being an idiot himself. In Short: You 👏 can’t 👏 convince 👏 fanatics 👏 with 👏 facts!!
Juneteenth - the day us white folks ran ENTIRELY out of excuses.
May you live long enough to fully feel how cringe your feeble attempts at repairing the damage your forefathers caused really was, and just resolve to go about your life in as fair and just a manner as you can.
Ways I’d be okay with dying, in order of ease and amusement value: 1: in my sleep 2: in my sleep, at the pilots console 3: aneurysm 4: meteorite (small) 5: meteorite (v large) 6: bomb 7: bomb over the suburbs so there’s more of me around 8: gradual loss of O2 9: time locked 10: transubstantiation
New song on uncontrollable replay: Absurd Minds - A Million Miles Absolute fkn futurepop banger.
New coworker being introduced to me: Hello! Nice to meet you! Me, a Normal Human: Hi! I’m harmless!! My Inner Voice: JFC, WE TALKED ABOUT THIS!!
The news chyron this morning needs more coffee.
#morningcat -Hovercat be Hovering. All light sinking into his infinite darkness. He wait for his due adoration, and a friendly sink-drink.
Timeless Animals in an extra elegant photoshoot.