The Magenta Egg

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The Magenta Egg

Just another mediocre white guy.
Cats > People.
I design professionally.
I also act, game, ride, cook, read, and sometimes art with the enthusiasm of a talented amateur.
I’ve prob got a lot of red-flag labels on me, but I can’t see them. Sorry. :(
#Oakland. ONE thing? Nah. How about: Taco trucks. Friday art walks. The New Parkway theatre. OCMA - frkkn awesome museum. Thee Stork Club. The Hills. Fairyland. Kite Flying Day. And more more more.
Let's have some fun on Bluesky tonight! Tell me where you live and one thing everyone should do in your city! #flythefriendlysky
Anyone who consumes queer media too. Which would be, I don’t know, everyone in the history of ever? Maybe?
Yup. #Acolyte is easily the best SW show since Andor. Who knew telling NEW stories not solely focused on stroking Jedi manbaby feels would be so awesome? (Everyone. Everyone except said manbabies knew it …)
And Disney has once again created a “Bad Guy” ( #Qimir ) who is way way too fucking cool. And HOLYSHITREDSABER. UNBEFUCKINGLIEVABLE! This show rocks, whiny fanbabies be damned!
I LOVE that the Republic Jedi are, I am now convinced, being shown to have the same kind of enforced aesthetic sameness and unquestioning obedience as, wait for, Palpatine Era stormtroopers.
Coming up on end of season 1 ep8. NEED SEASON 2 NOWNOWNOW!!
Ok, coulda done without the fanwanking Yoda tease at the end, but FUUUUUUUCK, good Sith, evil Jedi. Order, Chaos, redemption, corruption, pointed commentary, original characters….. and that final scene with Quine and Osha? Goddamn. Pure Star Wars goodness.
This show has shifted the Jedi/Sith conflict from a Good vs Evil stupid binary to an Order vs Chaos relationship. Something “Last Jedi” tried to do (IMO) but got prevented from doing by corporate risk aversion and fanbaby panic.
I was always a bit saddened by that, but this? This show? FUCKING NAILED IT. Jst goes to show what can happen when you let creators take risks and think deeply. To restrict the Star Wars mythos to just the same tired retreads has always been such a goddamn waste. It’s a big universe, let’s explore.
It’s kind of appealing in an Easter-on-Acid kind of way. There’s an energy and vibrancy that is almost feverishly infectious.
Well done, that driver. This cyclist appreciates them.
GenX. Early-Mid 50s. Absolutely do not feel my age. Mentally, I still feel like an idiot teen a lot. Physically, I still feel like I did ten years ago. My family has a habit of being immortal until we’re not tho. And when we hit “not” we hit it REALLY HARD.
People who need medical care who aren’t rich People who aren’t white Women (all of them) Men (yes, all of them too, show how sexism Fucks men up for life…) Anyone who isn’t straight in any way. Workers who aren’t CEOs Small businesspeople People who seek justice Dads who like their kids etc…..
No he’s fucking not. We have Sarah Palin, MtG, Boobert, etc to deal with, that is ENOUGH.
1: Just finished Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi. It’s light and fun, and also a VERY solid primer on how not to be a shitty manager. Well timed , thank you. 2: I’m really happy that JDV is trump’s vp pick. He’s a fucking clown. Kamala is going to make him cry and bleed.
Feral Communist Dingo Gangs. We’d be so effed. Still better than when the Uplifted Felines* found out about crypto scams though. *- don’t ask, the entire genus is still mad at us about that.
That is a ludicrously, majestically, PHEEEE-NOM-ENALLY expressive tail. Gonna be quite the kitty.
We have two kinds of creatures near where I work. A fairly large murder of very large Corvids (their fascinatingly social), and a MASSIVE colony of squirrels. Right now it’s evenly split between younglings and adult Fat Squirrels. They (Squirrels and Corvids) seem to along really well.
Yes. Expelled. That’s a ….uh…… good? Yeah. That’s a good word for it.
I used to be chaotic. Then I became a Dad. Now I am 100% Order’s little toy.
He knows what he did. And he likes it.
I take it from the promo image you’re as pissed off as the rest of us?
Aileen Cannon is corrupt AF. There, I said it.
Good Morning! It’s #cat time! This a BB (so named for his absolutely evident cojones). He is most definitely not our cat and does not live here. Just comes by at around 9:00 at night for a snack and a certain amount of pettins. Very orange boy booty call action.
Also, the French run things a bit better than we do - election wise. There’s more of a multiple options vibe. We’re locked into that us vs. them bs. :(
Do it! That’s why the language gods invented parentheses! Plus, we’ll all get to learn new words from you!
You are the first person I’ve seen use this in a legit day-to-day work way I find that super fascinating. How is it to wear for longer timeframes?
This is INCREDIBLY well said. Good lord, you just uttered brilliance.
As clearly and unambiguously as you can. At times like that honesty and clarity are crucial. As is compassion.
Oooooh! Okay. Consider the polarity on my cynicism reversed. :)