
Just a reminder in advance that the Supreme Court is illegitimate and Thomas and Alito should have been kicked out of office months if not years ago.
Thomas's wife pressured Pence to reject the 2020 election results. Alito's wife flew an insurrectionist-linked flag. Neither Thomas nor Alito recused themselves from decisions regarding the insurrection. They should not be on the court.
Are There Insurrectionist Sympathizers on the Supreme Court? If Donald Trump becomes president again, we can’t count on Justices Alito and Thomas to curb his authoritarian plans.
Our leaders have somehow decided that nothing can be done to stop this kind of corruption. But that doesn't erase those basic facts. The court is illegitimate. Those men should resign.
I mean, you’re not wrong. But “we the people” can’t do shit about the SC. And Congress is too busy doing……stuff. I’m asking honestly, what’s the plan? Cause voting sure as hell ain’t fixing it.