
The thing is Nixon would have been a FAR better unaccountable President than Trump, if you ignore the spying on shrinks.
This 4th of July, thinking of him, and how he didn’t live to see his constitutional revolution finally come to pass
It's enough to make you wish you still had Nixon to kick around anymore
Nixon at least wanted to do the job. From Day One, Trump made it all about what the job could do for him.
Proud to dress Pat in a "cloth coat" and obstinate about keeping his children's pet dog, Nixon indicated that he knew what a soul was, even as he was always open to losing his, which he did. that other guy has never even had a clue.
Hunter S. Thompson: "You don't even have to know who Richard Nixon was to be a victim of his ugly, Nazi spirit."
True. And he’s still a million times better than trump.
Nixon was a traitor, but he wasn't in the pocket of our foreign adversaries the way tRUmp is.