
Reminder for people who seem to be convinced that a deficit barely outside the margin of error in July is insurmountable
it’s less the current polling and more the “candidate cannot complete a sentence, let alone make an argument about why to elect him” everyone supporting JB before Thursday despite the polls assumed he would be able to campaign and grow his support the debate showed that’s a not a fair assumption
Here's a thread with the president's post debate appearances. You're entitled to your own opinion, but it seems rash to say this if you've not at least looked at what's happened since then.
It's not just the controlled, teleprompter events since the debates, it's his degrading performance since '20.
You mean the performance where he's presided over the most pro-labor and progressive administration in modern history? Wild.
This actually undermines your argument. Biden has had a good administration. Voters are rejecting him despite that, and their main reason is his age, not his administration’s policies. Further evidenced by the fact he’s running behind fellow members of his own party as well as the open fascists.
The reason is because the media is shouting "Biden is old" from the rooftops, probably because their corporate masters are finally being regulated/prosecuted by Biden's DOJ. We're in the middle of a right-wing propaganda spree, and you're trying to pretend like Biden's admin actions don't count.
1.) “the media” is a meaningless boogeyman. Newspapers are in freefall. Cable News median viewer is 70 years old. No podcast has more than a 5% marketshare. Most of the population completely avoids political media. 2.) *voters* have been shouting “Biden is old” for longer than the media has
1) yeah, the media is terrified of its own irrelevance and upset that Biden refuses to hand them viewers like Trump did. 2) Voters had several options, including Dean Phillips. Voters instead chose Biden.
1) pretending “the media” is a coherent monolith with a consistent agenda indicates you have no idea what decade you are living in 2) ask those same voters who they would’ve voted for if they knew JB wouldn’t be able to complete a sentence during a debate that his own campaign orchestrated
1) they are private companies that are kept alive by ad sales, which require views and clicks. There's no conspiracy needed, Trump is controversy, and while he was in office, media viewership soared. After Biden came into office, it plummeted. Simple as.
2) Buddy, you're pretending like the first 20 minutes were the whole debate, and I'm sorry to tell you that this is not the case. Generally, folks in cognitive decline don't inexplicably get better at speaking as an event goes on, but Biden recovered and successfully got several hits against Trump.
“He only seemed obviously too old to run for president for the first 20mins of a presidential debate that his own campaign orchestrated and that 50million people watched!” is not the amazing argument for JB’s fitness that you think it is.
Buddy, if you wanna make a claim like "Biden couldn't string together a single sentence", then don't be surprised when people pull out many, many sentences he strung together without issue I understand your relationship with the truth is tenuous at best, but I beg of you to stop helping Republicans
Aside from the multiple blank stare, trail-offs… He answered a question about abortion by referencing (unprompted) a white girl being raped and murdered by an undocumented immigrant That’s not a small mistake, that’s an indication he could be a liability to his own reelection
That is only true of like cable news and legacy newspapers. So it just confirms you are pretending to live in a different decade Most people interact with media via tiktok influencers, independent podcasters, subreddits, micro-blogging platforms, discord communities, whatsapp group chats, etc
The outlets calling for Biden to resign/step aside are literally those who were affected by the readership/viewership drop once Biden was elected lmao what are you talking about? TikTok influencers, notoriously free from right-wing propaganda /s
Hey buddy idk what to say if you think that legacy newspapers and cable news are going to have a larger effect on the election outcome than tiktok. WaPo has lost *50%* of its unique visitors since 2020. The median MSNBC viewer is *72 years old*.
And they are incandescent at Biden refusing to engage them. They are also the primary drivers of the "Biden should resign/step aside" discourse.
*candidate refuses to engage with friendly outlets* (relative to right wing media) would actually be another indication of his declining fitness. But that’s not really the point, any “discourse” driven by CNN or NYT is fundamentally irrelevant, as their plummeting viewership and readership shows