
if you want to understand why Biden's economic record has been unpopular, compare and contrast today's NBC News article about strong job growth and record low unemployment with a 2017 NBC news article about the stock market hitting record highs:
(before you check, the Dow hit 40,000 for the first time under Biden a few weeks ago. Somehow didn't see any stories about giddy stockbrokers that attributed it to Biden "keeping his campaign promises" there either)
Do people who post viral complaints about the cost of Taco Bell meals understand that they are part of a propaganda effort designed to weaken the US labor market (only in part in order to weaken Biden and the Dems and get Trump reelected)?
It's beautiful that the media has figured out they can alternate between "inflation down, possibly bad for jobs?" and "jobs up, possibly bad for inflation?" until America elects Trump again for them.
One of the greatest policy success stories of our time and you probably haven't heard anything about it in the news because good labor market news is now framed as "bad for inflation" (with little evidence besides the fact the Federal Reserve thinks it is)
Ten years ago many Very Serious People said that America could never return to full employment because our workers lacked the necessary skills
MTS my bat signal goes off every time you slander Jay Powell like this (and yes, slander is the correct term in this instance)