
I think my favorite flavor of Trump voter is the person who a) is very upset about high grocery prices and b) is fired up about Trump's plan to deport 50% of the nation's agricultural workforce.
I think my second favorite flavor of Trump voter is the person who a) is upset about high housing costs and b) wants Trump to deport a large proportion of the construction industry's workforce.
Just think how happy they'll be when their kids are expected to take low paying picking or roofing jobs.
In Oregon there's a ton of nostalgia for "the old days" of the 60s & 70s when white kids spent their summer picking berries & beans for super low wages. Boomers will wax nostalgic about those days they undoubtedly freaking hated when they were young. Also, no way they'd let their grandkids do it.
It fails. Whenever people try to replace farmworkers with anyone who has not grown up in an environment of hard peasant labor, it just fails. They're too slow, they're too inefficient, they quit (no matter threats of punishments!), and higher pay doesn't help. The crops rot & are lost.