
I think my favorite flavor of Trump voter is the person who a) is very upset about high grocery prices and b) is fired up about Trump's plan to deport 50% of the nation's agricultural workforce.
I think my second favorite flavor of Trump voter is the person who a) is upset about high housing costs and b) wants Trump to deport a large proportion of the construction industry's workforce.
If they were capable of good faith arguments, they wouldn't be conservatives.
I don't think it's even a question of arguing in good faith, I think they're just incapable of drawing these lines of logic
Just think how happy they'll be when their kids are expected to take low paying picking or roofing jobs.
In Oregon there's a ton of nostalgia for "the old days" of the 60s & 70s when white kids spent their summer picking berries & beans for super low wages. Boomers will wax nostalgic about those days they undoubtedly freaking hated when they were young. Also, no way they'd let their grandkids do it.
It fails. Whenever people try to replace farmworkers with anyone who has not grown up in an environment of hard peasant labor, it just fails. They're too slow, they're too inefficient, they quit (no matter threats of punishments!), and higher pay doesn't help. The crops rot & are lost.
Eastern CT has this with tobacco which is especially wild. No one misses their days picking tobacco in some of the ugliest places in the Nutmeg State.
My father had to pick crops when he was a kid because I come from long lines of people with no money. When I was a kid, we lived in Clackamas county which had plenty of agricultural child labor available, but he wouldn't let my sister nor I do it. Said he wanted a better life for his children.
Here in the Midwest it’s corn detassling.
Both my grandparents hoed sugar beets as new immigrants. They both developed skin cancer later.
Which is one reason so many “go into the trades” articles are written.
yes I'm sure it will be their kids taking those low paying jobs and not all the people from the camps
I’ve had to use very blunt language to get through to some folks that the jobs that are being “stolen” are not jobs that they actually want or are willing to pay wages at a level where people might want them
Sounds a bit like our local Diagolon folks around Alberta.
Extra bonus points for the country club set who own the companies exploiting this labor while clamoring for it's elimination out of pure, uncut racism. They are the biggest fans of small government and expect subsidies (paid for with tax cuts) to fill the gap when these humans are deported.
i expect they plan to switch to people incarcerated in privately run prisons
I'm fond of the ones that are aghast at Trump's prosecution for all the criming, who want him to use the justice department to go after their enemies.
Ah yes, the people who gleefully chanted “lock her up” in 2016 who are incensed that a jury of Trump’s peers found him guilty for crimes.
They're adorable. The folks who find Trump dangerous and abhorrent but now after the NY trial "have no choice" but to vote for him are also fascinating to me. (Reader, they were always going to vote for him.)
“Hillary for Prison” was a campaign slogan.
And want Trump to put tariffs on imported construction materials.
I love the Trump voter who a) thinks consumer products cost too much due to inflation and b) is jazzed that Trump is going to onshore manufacturing by raising tariffs.
I think your third favorite flavor of Trump voter should be the person who a) is upset about the woke generals and b) wants Trump to re-institute the draft.
Deporting a population equivalent to NY or FL would devastate the economy, just by population loss. And there’s not enough unemployed to cover the loss of people loss. It would be an unmitigated disaster.
What about "complains rising prices" but can't wait for Trump to put 30-80% tariffs on everything?
Is the third favorite flavor of Trump supporter the person who a) complains about inflation and b) is clueless about his tariff plan?
And is c) clueless about the effects of Trump's debt, which then showed up as inflation during Biden's term.
I like the ones that no matter what you say, they say, oh, you must be a liberal.
My favorite flavor of Trump voter are the ones who think there are dictatorships that are selective about who they oppress, when in fact no such dictatorships exist.
Those Trump voters imagine the immigrants who are repairing their rooof will be exempt
grocery bills are going to be so cheap when we *checks notes* deport all the agricultural workers and *stares at notes harder* .. uh ... *squints harder* um ... replace income tax with tariffs
It’s like Brexit hold my beer
if he actually made serious efforts towards either of those, it'll just be lighting the whole economy on fire. Will make Brexit look very sane and managed by comparison
TFW you throw a country into the landfill His thing about tariffs is like his bizarre shark obsession/hate
The fascist playbook- get power, make life miserable for all but a favored subset, then make people rely on you more for everything out of fear
Enjoying their Medicare while raving against socialism.
get the government's dirty hands off of my social security!
Screaming about gas prices from their $100,000 pickup
And during their boat parades, in their $50k boats they either spend $5K a year on storing at a marina or they leave at their lake house.
And c) is fired up about Trump’s plan to slap a 50% tariff on a large fraction of the food supply.
Causality is for commies, haven't you heard
can't even ignore basic rules of supply and demand anymore because of woke.
"I hate this problem and I want to do a bunch of things that will make it worse about it" sums up conservatism
My favorite is definitely the one who brags about how his small business growth has been better than ever these last few years and his stocks are soaring… …and then launches into a temper tantrum about how Biden has torched the economy with socialist policies. Not that I know anyone like this…
don't worry, the 50% can grow something in another country which will then be subjected to 100% tariffs!
I have a pretty good idea who they think should be working the fields.
I heard an intriguing definition of "propaganda" recently that it is "rhetoric designed to promote an ideological goal via means that in reality undermine that goal" and this is such a great example