Kaiju - Nebulous Non-Binary ⚧️🦖

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Kaiju - Nebulous Non-Binary ⚧️🦖


Queer Monster - TransEnby (They\Them) - Monstrous on main, Probably NSFW | Queer Games Advocate http://ko-fi.com/enbykaiju | http://enbykaiju.com (Digital Diversity Project) twitch.tv/enbykaiju
Godz, was digging through some of my unpublished writing for salvage and realising how many signs there were I was trans 2-5 years before I came out The genderfuckery in my earlier work is real blatant this far along and really makes me wish I'd heard the term "non-binary" a decade earlier
Craving writing some film noir queerness for the first time in forever, paws crossed I can channel this into getting the Kaiju Noir sequel rolling because I've missed writing those giant lovable disasters
That wild feeling when you're rereading the books of one of your favourite writers, go look them up to see if they have any novels since, only to find out they transitioned and are going back into writing after more than a decade break A things suddenly make a lot more sense Lots of gender feels
If you see this post, post or quote-post with a tree or tree-lined path. Sengaku Temple, burial place of the 47 Ronin I got there at the end of the cherry blossom season so the stones were draped in petals. I was the only one there and it was utterly silent May have had a little emotional moment
If you see this post, post or quote-post with a tree or tree-lined path.
You're spare parts, bud. In the ilClan era the remnants of the Wolf Empire have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for 'Mechs. #battletech #mechwarrior #tabletop #miniatures #mecha
Rush to New Syrtis Epsilon Commando Dropships rush towards New Syrtis while the "Call Us, Dixie" Aerospace Mercenary company provides cover from Capellan Fleet Assets over the planet. #battletech #mechwarrior #rkgk #anime #manga
Our final total across both bundle pages is $81,394.05, or about $324 per creator (minus a handful who choose not to receive payment). I'm so, so pleased with this -- and thank you again to everyone who shared, who bought the bundle, who talked about it anywhere.
Want to throw your support behind a ton of incredible queer artists and get a massive haul of games, art, comics & more in the process? The Queer Games Bundle is a great way to do it Last day for this year's bundle, go get it! 🏳️‍🌈
There are 24 hours left for this year's bundle. It's your last chance to take direct action to radically support queer artists this year, and get nearly 500 games, TTRPGs, comics, and more in return. It's $60, the prize of one AAA game. (Or just $10.) ⌛️ itch.io/b/2506/
Queer Games Bundle 2024 (with $10+ option!) by Queer Games Bundle and 271 othersitch.io Queer Games Bundle 2024 (with $10+ option!): 489 items for $60.00
Want to throw your support behind a ton of incredible queer artists and get a massive haul of games, art, comics & more in the process? The Queer Games Bundle is a great way to do it Last day for this year's bundle, go get it! 🏳️‍🌈
There are 24 hours left for this year's bundle. It's your last chance to take direct action to radically support queer artists this year, and get nearly 500 games, TTRPGs, comics, and more in return. It's $60, the prize of one AAA game. (Or just $10.) ⌛️ itch.io/b/2506/
Queer Games Bundle 2024 (with $10+ option!) by Queer Games Bundle and 271 othersitch.io Queer Games Bundle 2024 (with $10+ option!): 489 items for $60.00
I wrote a thing about how terrible the legislature is here in Utah. Especially where it concerns trans folks--particularly kids.
Utah lawmakers put women and children last by thumbing their noses at federal law.www.cityweekly.net Small Lake City
Working my way back through a bunch of old Lawrence Block & Poppy Z Brite novels to try and push past the ceaseless anxiety wave that's been hitting me this week Think I just have an issue with this time of year holding a lot of bad memories, but there's real comfort in familiar mystery novels
Stream is live Back to the winter wonderland that is Project Zomboid challenge runs for a chill night of zombie bopping goodness Fresh brains, served chilled ❄️ www.twitch.tv/enbykaiju
HAPPY ULTRAMAN DAY!! My favorite superhero is 58 years old now!
This is true - watch out for these people, as they bleed you then drop you. We're all in this together, not against each other.
Some people in the writing community treat other writers like dirt when they perceive they are not as successful as them. These people should not be your friends or associates in any form. You matter.
I never thought one of the biggest voices in gaming would find my humble project to be worthy of signal boosting. I just knew I always wanted to make it. Anyway, if you love adventure games and video game history, check out my project, and I'd also appreciate it shared! thelegendsofadventure.com
#PortfolioDay shenanigans ~☆ Digital marketing dork by trade, doodle dork at heart. Forever a LucasArts fangirl. I celebrate the things I love one doodle at a time ❤️
After talking with a friend about how I can improve, I decided to push myself with panel shading and lighting. This Archer was my first attempt. All in all I think it turned out pretty well! #Battletech #MechWarrior #miniatures #tabletop
I am pleased as hell to RE-introduce... DUNGEONS OF FREEPORT, now with its new art style. Post-it notes and legal pads, why, how else do you play ASCII RPGs?
Hey #portfolioday ! I'm Zoe Tunnell, writer. I'm the co-creator of BLADE MAIDENS (www.blademaidens.com coming to print with Dark Horse) and writer of GODZILLA: VALENTINE’S DAY SPECIAL with IDW. Looking for more work in comics as well as other mediums! Contact at [email protected]!
Zombie Survival double feature stream tonight! Bring popcorn & fresh brains Starting off with some 7 Days to Die with friends, then moving on to Project Zomboid where we start settling in to our winter zombie wonderland Friends are the zombies that ate us along the way www.twitch.tv/enbykaiju
Twitchwww.twitch.tv Twitch is the world
👀 Do you have a game, game demo or playful object that explores femininity? Submit your work to Feminine Play! www.feminineplay.org
ACAB includes Sam Vimes, but Sam Vimes would be the first to say it.
which is the worse realization: ACAB includes Josephius Miller OR ACAB includes Garrus Vakarian
And with that, my sixth novel in the #battletech universe is complete. And my speediest, too. 15 days from start to finish. I hope you all like the Fox Patrol as much as I do.
BATTLETECH: Epsilon Commandos Episode 5 NOW OUT! Go check out the FULL episode over on Webtoons! Link below! www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/ba... #battletech #mechwarrior #manga #manwa #comic #anime #mecha
Please take pride in your work. You made something, you amazing human. You have every right to sing its praises. Don't damn yourself with faint praise. Don't shit on your own parade. You're absolutely entitled to share your stuff with joy. Well done!