
one of the most demoralizing realizations of growing up is that my personal, core opinion that immigrants should be enthusiastically welcomed into the country already full of em has not only NEVER been popular, but is becoming even MORE unpopular as time goes on. We just REALLY hate immigrants :(
not just twitter! a loudly anti-trump democrat who works at a market my mom and i go to casually mentioned that the u.s. vaccine numbers are so low "because of all the illegals coming in here," so it seems like they are still in the "kids in cages" war but on the side of the cages now
The extent to which basically everything bad about humanity just boils down to tribalism and racism is just mind boggling.
I simply don't get it. We all have access to DNA testing - the idea you or your family are "pure" anything is utter trash. And like... Isn't it exhausting being mad at everyone all the time for being subhuman?
You're assuming there's rational thinking and even a modicum of self-awareness or reflection at play. No, it's just straight fear of the other.
I suspect the impact of education on tolerance for difference stems from dispelling ignorance. Similarly, ever notice hateful folks usually, sometimes quite obviously, hate themselves? Pretty certain critical thinking, self-awareness, & healthy self-confidence are the keys out of petty tribalism.
But The Other always has the best recipes and traditions!