
An underrated possible future is that in a few months time Donald Trump loses the election and then spends the rest of his life in court and in jail for his many crimes. Like, this could definitely be how things go
Last year, I said about the same as a prediction, but with Trump dying within a year following the election and denying us any sort of real justice.
gonna be great in 20 years' time when the Dems are eulogizing Trump as "a great man, a worthy President, an intelligent man of culture and generosity"
In twenty years time, I expect them to be the the right-wing corpo-establishment replacement for the GOP they've always wanted to be.
At this point I feel like "Republicans collapse for a while, centrist Dems become the new major right-wing party, the more left side eventually splits off" is about the ideal outcome
I'd modify it to, "Republicans collapse, hard right republicans flee to fringe parties and even domestic terror elements, moderate repubs join Dems, progressive Dems break away to form new left" is how it'll play out. That realignment period could be a time of strength for the secular right.
Dems are collapsing faster. Don't know how that could be more evident
IMO, it all depends on how things shake out after Trump's gone/dies. Maybe it'll stay strong, but I think his cult will collapse some with him. Dems, for all their many flaws and bad polling (I'm a bit skeptic), aren't as subject to that dynamic and might even do better with Biden gone.
i think that the deranged Christofascist wave of the GOP will remain after Trump's death but it will be significantly crippled without an icon to rally around honestly i would argue that the Dems' problem is that they DON'T have an ideological rallying point other than "maintain the status quo"
I wouldn’t be surprised since that’s exactly what the Dems have done with Reagan.
I was going to say his brain won't last that long, but Reagan persisted for sixteen after leaving office, so who knows.
Trump is doing harder drugs though
Him losing the election, going to prison, and then dying there a year later would be the absolute optimal outcome in my opinion. All the catharsis of the judgment and we get to cut short the endless ploys from Republicans to get him free or have him run for something from behind bars.
While I agree, I'm anticipating an absurd amount of appeals that will go beyond his remaining years.
Any of the criminal cases just kinda automatically stop, which isn't great cuz if they're in appeal they're likely just dismissed, which gives the dipshits a window to pretend he was "exonerated" But anything against his estate or the Trump Org will haunt Melania and the kids f o r e v e r
True, but in the instance of his death I would be willing to foegive the circumstances that kept him out of actual jail until then 😊