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political cringe
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Alabama football
Reposted byAvatar Robby
We will see how the final result lands, but if this holds it does seem likely that given a choice between the center and the far right, voters chose the far right. Given a choice between the left and the far right, they chose the left. How about that!
Reposted byAvatar Robby
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
Reposted byAvatar Robby
Reposted byAvatar Robby
Worlds going to hell but a ray of sunshine is that the Tories got obliterated in England and there’s going to be so many pictures of little fancy guys in bowties crying that it’s going to make us all feel better
Southgate gettin' tarmac'd lmao
no, I didn't "lose the accent" when I moved to New York y'all Yankees just can't identify a Southern accent that isn't Foghorn freakin' Leghorn
Reposted byAvatar Robby
Clarence Thomas the last 20 years: 2005 - Chevron is correct 2005-2024 - receives $4 million in secret gifts from real estate developers and polluters and other right-wingers who’ve made reversing Chevron one of their highest priorities 2024 - Chevron is wrong
mfw I've had exactly one drink
I agreed to play a gig with a 1am downbeat I am the dumbest boy alive
the goal of AI is not to replace us with robots, because chat bots can't replace what we do and even the most delusional tech bros know that the goal of AI is to replace us with underpaid workers in exploited countries, because the one thing these chat bots *can* do well is mimic fluent language
Reposted byAvatar Robby
John Fetterman getting in an interview and saying "brain damage made me conservative" is actually the best marketing progressive politics has gotten in half a decade, let him cook
Somehow her week got worse. "I mean this with due respect, but, how stupid do you think New Yorkers have to be to believe that this congestion pricing decision wasn't politically motivated?" a reporter asked her tonight at a press conference.
Hochul Defends Congestion Pricing Pause By Invoking 'New Jersey Customers' Driving to Midtown Diners, Hardware Stores - Hell The governor’s first press conference since throwing state government and the MTA into chaos got a little weird.
Reposted byAvatar Robby
we’re trying to commemorate what the allies fought for in world war two here folks—let’s not bring anti-fascism into it
normalize yelling at your elected officials
she is, uh, really bad at this
The payroll-tax increase that Kathy Hochul is trying to quickly pass through the legislature to make up for the massive budget hole she created by axing congestion pricing is already dead in both chambers, says City and State reporter Rebecca C. Lewis
Reposted byAvatar Robby
Studies repeatedly show that congestion pricing's popularity is lowest *right before it gets implemented,* recovering and quickly becoming popular once citizens start to see the benefits of it, so of course NY Dems are committed to staying in that "almost implemented" period as long as possible
I cannot imagine using the toilet after Bob Menendez
I don’t think I could eat out at multiple restaurants 250 nights a year but if I did a steakhouse would be waaay down on the list.
imagine there's an issue that peels off 50% of independents and 10% of Republicans. surely that's the centerpiece of any Democratic campaign, right? right? RIGHT?
Reposted byAvatar Robby
guys, JD Vance sucks and his face looks busted, you don't need casual homophobia to express that
my shitty ass Senator and my shitty ass Representative, ladies and gentlemen
Reposted byAvatar Robby
Imagine running for president and a former coworker publicly attests to you using the n-word, and by evening that's only the day's second-worst story for you.
For 20 Years, I Couldn’t Say What Donald Trump Did on the Set of The Apprentice. Now I The con we pulled on America just won’t die.
Reposted byAvatar Robby
In the 1990s, lots of right-wing Christian men told me presidents who lie about sex should go to jail :)
Reposted byAvatar Robby
some new yorker on the AP live stream, to a lady in a MAGA hat, "now you know how it feels to be a Mets fan!"
Reposted byAvatar Robby
man asks wife to take down flag. says it makes him look like an insurrectionist. wife refuses. says, "take it to the supreme court if you're so mad about it!" man bursts into tears. says, "but honey,"