
the data backs this up i guess also eat more blackberries you cowards, they're delicious!!
revisiting, because i've heard multiple parents-of-toddlers bring up their Berry Budget this week and it's one more thing that reminds me I'm old now, because I remember when they were a rare seasonal treat and now apparently kids are just snacking on berries 24/7
My wife is unable to eat or handle most tropical fruits so I am very grateful that berries have become so popular and plentiful because they're one of the only fruits that I can keep in the house that everybody in the house can eat
Some fantastic fine print there on that asterisk.
You can get a big pot and grow them on your balcony or fire escape or whatever and they will make more berries than you know what to do with!
But so not, whatever you do, plant them in an area where they can spread. Strip of land by a fence, sure. Backyard? Fuck you you sadist.