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becoming middle-aged optimist runner himbo

besides posting too much about politics, fin/econ rubbernecking, and whatnot, interests include 🏃‍♂️🎮🎲🃏📽️📺🏈🐶
"The Future" apparently meant you get to choose between navigating fake products and reviews on Amazon, or navigating brick-and-mortar shops that increasingly resemble 19th century general stores
in line at walgreens, first person needed a case unlocked, second person took forever to log into the app for a coupon, third person needed a case unlocked, what the fuck are we doing
the data backs this up i guess also eat more blackberries you cowards, they're delicious!!
revisiting, because i've heard multiple parents-of-toddlers bring up their Berry Budget this week and it's one more thing that reminds me I'm old now, because I remember when they were a rare seasonal treat and now apparently kids are just snacking on berries 24/7
my tastes tend pretty plain, and it almost never even occurs to me that other people might be judging me for my fashion choices i'm an anxious motherfucker but i'm very grateful that, past like junior high, it never extended to social anxiety over fashion
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
The thing is that realism/simulationism in TTRPGs is, IMO, like crypto — it doesn’t work the way its proponents argue it would; even if it did, that’d also be bad (again just imo, don’t come for me simulationist stans!!)
As an aside if RPGs want to resemble reality better one thing they need to change is archers should be a strength based class and swordsman should be a dex based class.
Reposted byAvatar escalator
get back on board or get out the way.
Reposted byAvatar escalator
barring Biden changing his mind this seems to me to end it. there is not a viable mechanism for getting Biden out if he doesn't want to go and he thinks he's functional.
another aspect that makes me extremely cynical in re: "old man must step aside" is that a vast majority of them are written in a way that would guarantee the maximalist resistance from biden et al, rather than at least making the effort to cajole, persuade, or lay groundwork for a graceful exit ramp
And in so doing do a lot of damage to something that is quite reasonably seen as an important cause/political argument that they in theory support
otoh, brain want make-fun things
why did i just spend an hour making a board game wishlist when i never host (small apartment), have no room for a big collection (same reason), and my friends who do host already have a copy of most of the games at best a waste of time now, at worst an inducement to waste money later
why did i just spend an hour making a board game wishlist when i never host (small apartment), have no room for a big collection (same reason), and my friends who do host already have a copy of most of the games at best a waste of time now, at worst an inducement to waste money later
i do not understand how anyone feels certain about *anything* right now meanwhile the NYT and media generally are knives out en masse, repeatedly showcasing negative levels of insight on what the options and paths are, and platforming a monarchist's anti-voting op-ed on the 4th of goddamn july
like if you're a mainstream outlet and you've managed to push me, of all people, from mere distaste to muttering "fuck every one of these motherfuckers" every time i see your name then you've really accomplished something
i have long been extremely, extremely hesitant to entertain anti-media sentiment for a variety of reasons but if nothing else, the NYT's performance over the last 1-2 weeks might have truly broken me on that count
i really am going to be logged off for the holiday but i would like to drop off a parting thought: publishing a monarchist anti-voting take on the fourth of july is the strongest possible indication of someone's core, true values
if we’re going to engage in political fanfic then can we at least skip to the part where we start gaming out whether jb pritz or big gretch claim the midwest partnership throne
again i say, if you're running a post-USA alt history then we just got done running the simulation on this, the work is already done for you
that... that's not true!! wait--
It took me a while to figure out that Baldur's Gate is Fallout D&D but it is in all ways good and bad
i don’t know why but i’m genuinely surprised at that decision, jfc i will leave it at that so as to avoid dooming but man
i know i’m getting old because of how frequently i look at current problems and see immediately, to a degree i didn’t fully appreciate in my youth, the chain of causation leading to them and how path-dependent are current options are
Yeah, it’s hard to make the case because what people will remember, obviously, is what just happened, not “look at three presidents ago, it’s his fault.”
Horizon’s technomysteries are what hooked me, but the series’ corny earnest heart is what made me love it “That’s when my mother took my face in her hands and spoke. She said I had to care. She said, ‘Elisabet, being smart will count for nothing if you don't make the world better.’”
It's maybe a little corny but something I loved about Horizon Zero Dawn was its loudest message, which was that it's not enough to be technologically advanced, it's not enough to be smart - you have to actually care too
based on the skyline it's pretty clear that going to sleep and focusing on work today was a good decision
based on the skyline it's pretty clear that going to sleep and focusing on work today was a good decision
not watching the debate because i’m not that flavor of masochist, but also i’m very sleepy
Reposted byAvatar escalator
bouie is literally the only person on the NYT board who is behaving and responding to the debate like a professional that has followed and covered a presidential election. i mean that seriously, i'm not being snarky.
if you actually get *paid* to write about politics for a living, screaming that the nominee has to drop out after one bad debate *in june* (and one in which the challenger did not do well, either), you are unqualified for your job and your salary
not watching the debate because i’m not that flavor of masochist, but also i’m very sleepy
this is part of why i loved BG3 so much — it was an experience more reminiscent of playing DA Origins than any other RPG i’ve had since (i am also interested in the new DA game and to take it on its own terms)
this is also why people are having total breakdowns over the new dragon age game. they do not want a dragon age game they want the experience of playing origins at age 22 back
i say this because this is first one without dad around, and i miss him dearly every day i know without doubt that he knew how much i loved him. i told him many times. but i'm a reserved person, and now, i find myself wishing i'd told him so much more often so. tell 'em while you can!
call your parents and tell 'em you love 'em. today for father's day, yes, but also on other days, for no reason at all. time goes by too quickly, and the worst can come at any time. so tell them while you can!! (*usual conditions of "assuming you have a good relationship with them" obviously apply)
call your parents and tell 'em you love 'em. today for father's day, yes, but also on other days, for no reason at all. time goes by too quickly, and the worst can come at any time. so tell them while you can!! (*usual conditions of "assuming you have a good relationship with them" obviously apply)
Dragon Age gameplay reveal: yep, teaser was not reflective of the actual art style; this looks good, and styled like DA gameplay, it looks more actiony than DAII and more like GoW; not my pref but w/e, tbd whether it’s good writing: TBD! and that’s what I care most about
to revisit, low expectations are justified, but i see people bagging on the reveal trailer for quippy humor and asking where’s the grimdark, and others replying “since when is DA grimdark”, and like… DAO was bagged on for both those things!! it was basically pegged as ASOIF-written-by-Joss-Whedon!
to revisit, low expectations are justified, but i see people bagging on the reveal trailer for quippy humor and asking where’s the grimdark, and others replying “since when is DA grimdark”, and like… DAO was bagged on for both those things!! it was basically pegged as ASOIF-written-by-Joss-Whedon!
dragon age hot takes: veilguard trailer is bad, BUT it’s bad and potentially unrepresentative in the same way all da trailers have been, BUT given dev hell it’s had, hopes should not be high, AND even if it is great, can it possibly do the meganumbers they probably need it to? doubt it
dragon age hot takes: veilguard trailer is bad, BUT it’s bad and potentially unrepresentative in the same way all da trailers have been, BUT given dev hell it’s had, hopes should not be high, AND even if it is great, can it possibly do the meganumbers they probably need it to? doubt it
you may not like it but this is what the median swing voter looks like
the reform party provided me with an absolute gold mine of cranks and weirdos, one of my favorites is the guy who believed the end times were upon us but still really cared about eliminating the federal deficit for some reason