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Going through my bird phase in a big way.
Ma'am. Ma'am. You are supposed to eat the carrot not just shred it to little bits. 🪶
These are adjacent frames in a video I took of my second favorite scrub jay (she still won't accept fingers, but is getting so so close!). It's amazing how far the girl can jump in such a short time. 🪶
remake a movie with shrek and make it better? Dirty Shreking
remake a movie with shrek and make it better The Assassination of Shrek by the Coward Robert Ford
Boss gets a burger, I get carrot. That's why I poop on his phone all the time. 🪶
America: a country of ideals that, despite it's sins, and they are fucking giant sins, from slavery to the treatment of Native Americans, a bunch of its foreign policy, and so on, is still such a dangerous idea that the great conservative project for over a century has been to destroy it.
Always amazed at people don't understand the joy of an animal that doesn't want to be touched, doesn't even want to be looked at much, but wants to be in your presence as much as possible. It's important to them to be close by and just hanging out and it is glorious.
Go outside to water, the jays come swooping down the street to say hi. 🪶
Damn, I forgot how good this album is.
Blocked someone with "I block back" in their profile, as if that was some sort of threat?
Beaker just flew at me and landed with talons on my nose, cloaca against my mouth. Not cool dude, not cool. Also not cool? The panicked squeaking noises I made.
wow, good mod lists do exist bsky.app/profile/goos...
Impostor geese
List by @goose.art
thou shalt not see the divine grass field of heaven
What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise. 🎥 I'm blessed by being able to forget movies I dislike. Much easier to just let them vanish from my mind than keep the hate, but there are a few that have stuck with me, mostly because the world won't let me forget. (mostly)
What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise. 🎥 #Filmsky
How many wings does this girl have?🪶
Since someone deserves to be happy today... Birds show excitement by "pinning", where they rapidly dilate and contract their pupils. It's hard to photograph but it's hard to miss in person. In other news, Beaker loves his millet. 🪶
Sorry for spamming scrub jay joy, but this will never get old. Dude needs a name. (Pretty sure, based on sizes, that it's male.) 🪶
The budgies are using me as a makeout spot. 🪶
what is your favorite black and white movie? (It's probably a tie between this and Dr Strangelove, but I haven't seen a single Marx Brothers movie and this is what's wrong with the youth of today.)
what is your favorite black and white movie?
I'm pretty sure there are three scrub jays that come by. One is scared of me, one nervous, and one is fearless. 🪶
The week watermelons are on sale is a bad week to learn how easy it is to make watermelon juice.
Yet another reason to love WFH, lunch time has become scrub jay time. I'd feel guilty but the lil' guy gets less than a full peanut a day, feel like bird feeders give them more than that.🪶
You have doom, I have birds biting holes in my arm, we are not the same.
I'm going to have to mute "drop out" aren't I? (And then miss the 2026 rediscovery of Timothy Leary by the Zoomers because I forgot to turn it off.)
A slice of corn was a big hit with the chickens. 🪶
Playing with a couple of scrub jays tonight, I think I had a much better evening than people who hate watched the debates. 🪶
nope, I can't watch the human colostomy bag's face, not even on mute. fuck this.
turns out you CAN eat too much watermelon