
hey everyone i invented a way to sous vide my baby
I would never use one of these blankets in a kids bed. Ever.
I’d rather leave a space heater running in the room overnight. Insulated resistive elements are on a knifes edge of thermal runaway. If you’re worried about your kid being cold, heat your home.
Exactly, especially young children. They won’t be able to communicate properly as they often will trust their parents so much that they’ll put themselves in danger, rather than complain. Heat the room, and use blankets and safe PJs. Much safer.
It's a lot better for people, including kids, to sleep in cool air. Heating a room to sleep in to get someone to sleep better is a really counterproductive idea. Bed warm, room cool. Still: the person posting this MIGHT have considered a hot water bottle rather than inventing a child cooker...
At one point I realized a 1:1 correlation between me having nightmares and me getting too hot at night. If I kept the temperature lower I never have nightmares. Bed warm room cool is no joke.
Exactly. They could even get a microwaveable heating pad, put it in the bed for 20 mins before the kid goes in and then take it out. WTH?
You can even get microwave heating things that look like plushies, if you really have to go down that route
Yes. I bought several when the kid was little. I now only have one that looks like an otter and warm it up for the kitten. (Very mildly). He doesn’t seem that interested though. 😅 This winter, however, I think he will have a new appreciation for it.
I think one of my siblings had one that looked like a panda. They loved that thing until it pretty much fell apart. They also work well as weighted plushies for anxiety or sensory needs
My daughter has a small oscillating heater in her room, that has a max timeout of 1hr and doesn’t get that hot. Her room is above the garage, so it’s only for the really cold nights in the winter. I still re-insulated the garage this year, hopefully she doesn’t need it. She’s also 12.
Avatar making hot water bottles long is the best evolution in a technology in the last 100 years.