
hey everyone i invented a way to sous vide my baby
Pretty sure this voids the warranty on both the blanket and the child
And it also voids your household insurance when the thing burns your house down and kills your family.
So you’re saying there are downsides to removing safety features of electronic devices that have direct physical contact with people, sheets, and bedding
If you view the potential incineration of everyone and everything you love a downside, then possibly, yes.
Hard to believe. Gonna need some cites on that
Works for Tesla 🤷🏻‍♂️
WhAt kInD Of nAnNy sTaTe sHiT Is tHiS?
I hate it when the edges of the baby are hot but the middle is still ice cold
He died doing what he loved: something absolutely moronic.
broiling my child on medium to own the woke
little known fact: one of "the five S's" is in fact sous vide
i'm not sure electric blankets should actually be legally available, people don't seem to be capable of using them safely
also i know this is a side issue but the sleeves of that onesie look like cigarette filters
Is that baby laying directly on the heating pad 😶 I use one for cramps and have had it leave my entire stomach and thighs beet red for hours. That's crazy.
don't worry it's not like overheating is a major risk factor for SIDS
From Macy's Winston-Salem line
Oh lady your kid is going to sleep for much much longer than 4 hours if you keep this up
do those "what to expect when you're expecting" books not detail how not to fry your infant
they bigtime do, lots of people just think they're too special and clever to need rigorously studied medical guidance and they can just do whatever because nothing bad has happened to them in their lives yet
I've read zero such books (not a parent) but I'd have thought you wouldn't even need to turn it on for it to pose a strangulation hazard?
indeed, there's been multiple huge public health campaigns devoted to this exact issue, people just think they know better
hell, do they not detail the way children sleep?
Damn it’s like they took every warning of what not to as a suggestion
I was writing out a list of how many dangerous things are happening and started hyperventilating
i have that same electric pad and you're not supposed to sleep on top of it. it doesn't stay a consistent temperature and even at the bottom setting sometimes it just roasts! if she kills her baby or burns down her house her insurance company is gonna find this post and deny the claim 😬
I don't understand why these things don't have a "constant, ultra-low" setting.
I would never use one of these blankets in a kids bed. Ever.
I’d rather leave a space heater running in the room overnight. Insulated resistive elements are on a knifes edge of thermal runaway. If you’re worried about your kid being cold, heat your home.
Exactly, especially young children. They won’t be able to communicate properly as they often will trust their parents so much that they’ll put themselves in danger, rather than complain. Heat the room, and use blankets and safe PJs. Much safer.
It's a lot better for people, including kids, to sleep in cool air. Heating a room to sleep in to get someone to sleep better is a really counterproductive idea. Bed warm, room cool. Still: the person posting this MIGHT have considered a hot water bottle rather than inventing a child cooker...
At one point I realized a 1:1 correlation between me having nightmares and me getting too hot at night. If I kept the temperature lower I never have nightmares. Bed warm room cool is no joke.
Exactly. They could even get a microwaveable heating pad, put it in the bed for 20 mins before the kid goes in and then take it out. WTH?
You can even get microwave heating things that look like plushies, if you really have to go down that route
My daughter has a small oscillating heater in her room, that has a max timeout of 1hr and doesn’t get that hot. Her room is above the garage, so it’s only for the really cold nights in the winter. I still re-insulated the garage this year, hopefully she doesn’t need it. She’s also 12.
Avatar making hot water bottles long is the best evolution in a technology in the last 100 years.
Agreed. Children run a tad bit “hotter” in general. That’s why, when they get a fever, it’s off the charts. What idiot would take away the safety controls? How did these people survive long enough to produce another human and why didn’t anyone, who knows them, stop them from reproducing?
This is the one. Horrific, but flawless.
I strongly recommend not removing a fundamental safety feature from an electric device that is capable of a) suffocating your child in carbon monoxide b) setting your house on fire c) killing you d) killing your child e) killing the people trying to save you f) all of the above
What an idiot, apart from the obvious safety concerns for child and home, the dick doesn't know what the hell he's talking about, triacs don't have source/drain terminals
^ This. That is a FET. All the fool modifying the blanket has done is remove the solid-state switching that was keeping it regulated. It's now on full, all the time, because that switching was removed.
Exactly, I hope for the child's sake there's a thermal fuse but I've not much hope the idiot won't wire that out when it blows.
The device hopefully meets CE standards and likely has at minimum an NTC somewhere in it, but that doesn't stop the child-roasting blanket from roasting until then I do electronics repair for a living. The Venn diagram of "short-circuits safety features" and "total idiot" is usually a circle